Bitmap Label
This object, as well as "Bitmap" is used for adding various images to a chart in the "bitmap" (*.bmp) format. However the bitmap label is anchored to a chart window and does not move when the chart is scrolled. Bitmap label can also be used as a button processed by MQL5 programs.
The object is moved using the anchor point located on its upper left corner.
There are the following parameters of the "Bitmap Label" object:

- X-distance — distance in pixels from the anchor corner of the chart window till the control point of the object along the time axis;
- Y-distance — distance in pixels from the anchor corner of the chart window till the control point of the object along the price axis;
- Anchor — one of object sides or corners, where the anchor point is located;
- Corner — one of the corners of the chart window, from which distances along X and Y axes will be set;
- Bitmap File (On) — selecting a file to be displayed when the label is on. The bitmap files should be located in the /MQL5/Images folder of the trading platform. If the object is created by an MQL5 program, the image file cannot be changed;
- Bitmap File (Off) — selecting a file to be displayed when the label is off. The bitmap files should be located in the /MQL5/Images folder of the trading platform. If the object is created by an MQL5 program, the image file cannot be changed;
- Width — width of the object in pixels. This is an informational field, it cannot be modified;
- Height — height of the object in pixels. This is an informational field, it cannot be modified.
- State — selecting the label state: on or off. This parameter allows implementing the interaction with an MQL5 program. The program can read the change of the label state and a certain program code will be implemented.
In order to have the possibility to change the label state in a chart, it is necessary to enable the option "Disable selection" in object properties.
Common parameters of object are described in a separate section.