This object is used for adding an editable text field in a chart. Values of the field can be changed directly in the chart. Entered valued can be read by a program written in MQL5 language. The object is anchored to a chart window and does not move when the chart is scrolled.
The object is moved using the anchor point located on its upper left corner.
There are the following parameters of the "Edit" object:

- X-distance — distance in pixels from the anchor corner of the chart window till the control point of the object along the time axis;
- Y-distance — distance in pixels from the anchor corner of the chart window till the control point of the object along the price axis;
- Width — width of the editable field in pixels;
- Height — height of the editable field in pixels;
- Corner — one of the corners of the chart window, from which distances along X and Y axes will be set;
- Read Only — enable/disable the "read only" mode. If this mode is enabled, then entering and editing of a text in this field is prohibited;
- Background — background color for the editable field;
- Font — font type and size for the object text.
In order to have the possibility to enter values in a field on a chart, it is necessary to enable the option "Disable selection" in object properties.
Common parameters of object are described in a separate section.