Trading robots and indicators for MetaTrader 5 can be developed using the specialized MetaEditor tool. MetaEditor complements the MQL5 IDE and it is tightly linked with the MetaTrader 5 trading platform.

MetaEditor works with MQL5 program source codes and compiles them into executable files. As MetaEditor and the trading platform are interconnected, the compiled programs generated become automatically available in MetaTrader 5 and can be instantly executed.
MetaEditor recognizes various patterns of the language, provides suggestions on how to use functions as well as it highlights various elements of the program's source code. Thus the editor makes navigation through the program code easier and speeds up the development process.
The built-in language help makes the work with MQL5 programs much easier. It will help to find how to use a language pattern, which functions to insert and so forth.
If additional information is needed, you can always find out more at the, which is also integrated into the editor. Developers can access articles and ready-to-use MQL5 applications directly from the MetaEditor. The selected article can be viewed through a web browser, while programs can be downloaded from the MetaEditor. After editing and compiling, the programs can be used in MetaTrader 5.
Built-in Debugger
Errors are inevitable during the development of any kind of program. It is hard to detect errors just by analyzing the program's source code. For this reason, the built-in MetaEditor debugger comes in handy. This feature allows running MQL5 programs on a step-by-step basis and it controls the values of variables. In this way it is much easier to detect an error and fix it on the spot.

MetaEditor allows creating MQL5 programs (trading robots, technical indicators, scripts and libraries), while it additionally offers language syntax highlighting, a sophisticated debugger, built-in MQL5 help, as well as integration with and MetaTrader 5. The flexible MQL5 programming language allows creating programs of any complexity level, and the MetaEditor makes their development process easier.
Test all the wide features of the editor while developing your own trading robot!
Download MetaTrader 5 and create a trading robot in MetaEditor