Rectangle Label
This object is intended for creation of custom graphic interfaces. It can have different states that can be processed by an MQL5 program. For example, a program can execute an operation as a reaction to user interaction with this object.

An object can be moved using an anchor point located in its upper left corner.

There are the following parameters of the object:
- X-distance — distance in pixels from the anchor corner of the chart window till the control point of the object along the time axis;
- Y-distance — distance in pixels from the anchor corner of the chart window till the control point of the object along the price axis;
- Width — width of the object in pixels;
- Height — height of the object in pixels;
- Corner — one of the corners of the chart window, from which distances along X and Y axes will be set;
- Background — the object fill color;
- Border — select the type of the object Border: Flat, Raised, Sunken.