What's new in MetaTrader 5

The history of updates of the desktop, mobile and web platforms

5 March 2010
MetaTrader 5 Client Terminal build 253
1. Terminal: The format of some internal data structures has been changed.
2. MQL5: The type of returned value of the function GlobalVariableCheck has been changed from datetime to bool.
3. MQL5: Fixed errors, reported at Forum.
5 March 2010
MetaTrader 5 Client Terminal build 252
  1. Terminal: Fixed an error in help downloading dialog during the download process.
  2. Terminal: Fixed an error in drawing of the trend line with rays.
  3. Terminal: Fixed an error in synchronization of trade history.
  4. Terminal: Fixed an error in drawing style of the indicators - for a drawing style "Histogram"- with width 0 or 1, the defined drawing style is used.
  5. Terminal: The work of the client terminal with a large number of graphical objects is optimized.
  6. MQL5: Fixed an error in working with "Color" property for custom indicators.
  7. MQL5: Fixed an error in call of the functions that returns structures.
  8. MQL5: Fixed an error in call of the object destructors by using the "break" and "continue" statements.
  9. MQL5: Fixed an error in typecasting of string to boolean.
  10. MQL5: Fixed an error in passing of default value in functions FileWriteStruct and FileReadStruct.
2 March 2010
MetaTrader 5 Client Terminal build 251
  1. Terminal: The process of loading and saving of graphic objects is optimized.
  2. Terminal: Fixed setting of positions of charts ordering in case of an error in loading of one of charts.
  3. Terminal: Fixed errors in net subsystem for a case of mass uploading of data.
  4. Terminal: Fixed errors in tool tips for minimized chart windows.
  5. Terminal: Fixed formatting of trade operation results in the trade dialog.
  6. Terminal: Fixed an error in plotting of the zero line for indicators.
  7. Terminal: Fixed an error and optimized the trend line plotting for a case if the anchor point coordinates are close.
  8. MQL5: Fixed errors, reported at Forum.
  9. MQL5: Fixed an error in the sequence of the global variable deletion.
  10. MQL5: Fixed errors in the calculation of a number of bars in the functions Copy* for a mode "from the date to date".
  11. MQL5: Fixed an error in dump output by a debugger for a critical error case.
  12. MQL5: Fixed an error in typecasting for the optimization of multiplication and division by 1.0.
  13. MetaEditor: Fixed an error in output of the pointer value in the debug window.
23 February 2010
MetaTrader 5 Client Terminal build 250
  1. MQL5: Fixed an error in passing of NULL as a string parameter to DLL function call.
  2. MQL5: Fixed errors reported on Forum.
  3. MQL5: Added some features for x64 compiler support.
  4. MQL5: Fixed event handling for movement of graphic objects.
  5. MQL5: Fixed errors in Standard Library (constant methods and their parameters).
  6. MQL5: Fixed an error in default parameter digits of function DoubleToString.
  7. MQL5: Fixed an error in synchronous access to history for Expert Advisors and scripts.
  8. MQL5: Fixed an error in allocation of large amount of memory for the timeseries request in the "from date to date" mode.
  9. MQL5: Fixed an error in function optimizer that leads to the error of "Unresolved function".
  10. Terminal: Fixed an error in history formation for the case of transition through midnight when the client and server times are desynchronized.
  11. Terminal: Fixed an error in calculation of Assets (Exposure tab).
  12. Terminal: Added new option to use a precise time scale for the objects creation (Tools-Option-Objects-Precise time scale). This option allows to bind anchor points of graphic objects to precise values of time scale, instead of binding to bar time values of the chart.
19 February 2010
MetaTrader 5 Client Terminal build 249
  1. MQL5: Fixed an error in the access to a selected position.
  2. MQL5: Fixed an error in passing of NULL as a string parameter to a system call.
  3. MQL5: The definition of the fifth parameter (parameters_array[]) of the IndicatorCreate() function has changed - now it's a constant parameter.
18 February 2010
MetaTrader 5 Client Terminal build 248
  1. MQL5: Fixed crashlog errors and errors reported on Forum.
  2. MQL5: Fixed an error in synchronous access to history for Expert Advisors and scripts.
  3. MQL5: Fixed an error with reading of a string from a file by function FileReadString.
  4. MQL5: Fixed an algorithm of timeseries copying by Copy* functions for the case of "from date to date".
  5. MetaEditor: Fixed sorting of variants in case-sensitive auto completion, exactly matching variants are placed at top of the list.
16 February 2010
MetaTrader 5 Client Terminal builds 247
  1. MQL5: Fixed errors reported at Forum.
  2. MQL5: Fixed initialization of static arrays.
  3. MQL5: Fixed error in synchronous access to history in Expert Advisors and scripts.
  4. MQL5: Fixed error in custom indicators (check for restriction in the number of colors of a graphical layout).
  5. MQL5: Fixed and redesigned work of timers – Expert Advisors and custom indicators now have their own separated timers.
  6. Terminal: Added saving of parameters of a working Expert Advisor after it is recompiled.
  7. Terminal: Modified an algorithm of additional history data loading during the left scrolling of a chart – data are requested with a certain reserve, which is proportional to the number of bars requested.
  8. Terminal: Corrected errors in receiving and storing of news.
  9. Terminal: Rewritten an algorithm for the "Refresh" command of the chart – the full synchronization of initial minute bars is performed with the reconstruction of the period selected and all indicators attached to chart.
11 February 2010
MetaTrader 5 Client Terminal builds 246
  1. Terminal: Fixed an error in calculation of free margin in Assets (Exposure tab).
  2. Terminal: Fixed an error in the "Chart on foreground" property.
  3. Terminal: Fixed and redesigned the "Print Preview" window for a chart.
  4. Terminal: Fixed an error in temporary global variables.
  5. Terminal: The "Standard" and "Charts" toolbars are merged.
  6. MQL5: Fixed crashes and errors reported at forum.
  7. MQL5: Changed the behavior of Copy* functions for Expert Advisors and scripts - now the functions will wait for the loading and construction of requested data. The timeout is 30 seconds. Details will be available soon in MQL5 documentation.
  8. MQL5: Added the possibility of event handling by custom indicators, similar to that by Expert Advisors. The details will be available soon in the MQL5 documentation.
  9. MQL5: Fixed errors in the operation of the optimizer.
  10. MQL5: Fixed errors in navigation through charts (ChartNavigate method).
  11. MetaEditor: Added the possibility to search in the "Search" window of the toolbar.
  12. MQL5: Fixed an error that resulted in the incorrect determination of the type of a parameter passed to the function Comment (Print, Alert).
  13. MQL5: Added checking in custom indicators: if the indicator_colorN property is not set for a graphical series, and no value is set to the PLOT_COLOR_INDEXES property, 1 is assigned to the property value by default.
  14. MQL5: Fixed an error in the operation of Copy* functions for the case when data are requested for the specified time period.
9 February 2010
MetaTrader 5 Client Terminal build 245
  1. Terminal: Fixed considering free margin in assets (in the Exposure tab).
  2. Terminal: Fixed "Chart on foreground" property operation.
  3. Terminal: Fixed and revised the chart print preview window.
  4. Terminal: Fixed the operation of temporary global variables.
  5. Terminal: Combined the Standard and Charts toolbars.
  6. MQL5: Fixed errors reported in crash logs and forum messages.
  7. MQL5: Change the Copy* functions operation principle for Expert Advisors and scripts - now, functions wait for download and construction of the requested data. Waiting for requested data should not exceed 30 seconds. More details are to be added to MQL5 Help soon.
  8. MQL5: Added the ability to process the events using custom indicators similar to Expert Advisors. More details are to be added to MQL5 Help soon.
  9. MQL5: Fixed optimizer errors.
  10. MQL5: Fixed chart navigation (ChartNavigate method).
  11. MetaEditor: Added the ability to use 'Enter' in the search box of the toolbar.
29 January 2010
MetaTrader 5 Client Terminal build 242
  1. MQL5: Fixed sending parameters to DLL.
  2. Terminal: Fixed updating MQL application parameters after compilation.
  3. Terminal: Fixed downloading the client terminal help updates.
  4. Terminal: Fixed Russian translation errors.
  5. MetaEditor: Added highlighting of the built-in MQL5 types.
21 January 2010
MetaTrader 5 Client Terminal build 240
  1. MQL5: Added optional parameters: ENUM_CODEPAGE codepage=CP_ACP in the CharArrayToString, StringToCharArray and FileOpen functions.
  2. MQL5: Fixed errors arising when working with static arrays.
  3. MQL5: Ability to set a breakpoint in the 'do while' loop condition.
  4. Terminal: Fixed applying ticks to history during a day change.
  5. Terminal: Fixed an error in the Expert Advisor's list of variables.
  6. Terminal: Added processing the graphical objects creation and deletion events: CHARTEVENT_OBJECT_CREATE and CHARTEVENT_OBJECT_DELETE.
  7. Terminal: Fixed Emai send error.
14 January 2010
MetaTrader 5 Client Terminal build 239
  1. Terminal: Fixed the object magnetism.
  2. Terminal: Fixed and added some tooltips (including chart and navigator tabs).
  3. Terminal: Fixed plotting the navigator.
  4. Terminal: Fixed the algorithm of selecting the best access point.
  5. MQL5: Fixed errors reported in crash logs and forum messages.
14 January 2010
MetaTrader 5 Client Terminal build 238
  1. MQL5: Fixed the debugger error causing crashes when class members with an access via 'this' are displayed in 'watch'.
  2. MQL5: Added optimization of string parameters (removing redundant copying).
  3. MQL5: Fixed errors reported in crash logs and bug reports.
8 January 2010
MetaTrader 5 Client Terminal build 237
  1. Terminal: Fixed TRIX indicator calculation.
  2. Terminal: Fixed Data Window panel plotting.
  3. MQL5: Fixed receiving custom indicator data from MQL5 programs.
  4. MQL5: Fixed requesting the current symbol and period from custom indicators.
  5. MQL5: Fixed errors in the ZeroMemory function operation.
  6. MQL5: Fixed optimizer errors.
  7. MQL5: Stack control when calling functions from DLL.
  8. MQL5: Added DEMA, FRAMA, TEMA TRIX and VIDYA indicator implementation samples.
5 January 2010
MetaTrader 5 Client Terminal build 235
  1. MQL5: Fixed optimizer errors.
  2. MQL5: Fixed calling functions imported from DLL.
  3. MQL5: Warning (#59) about the unclosed #import replaced with the error (#300) "#import was not closed".
  4. Terminal: Fixed TEMA indicator calculation.
  5. Terminal: Fixed error in the Expert Advisor list dialog.
  6. Terminal: Fixed an error in the graphical object levels dialog.
  7. Terminal: Changed the terminal critical error dialog: Added the ability to re-start the terminal.
29 December 2009
MetaTrader 5 Client Terminal build 234
  1. Terminal: Fixed copying the Text and Label graphical objects (copying the 'Description' property).
  2. MQL5: Fixed passing dynamic array data to an imported function.
  3. MQL5: Fixed errors reported in crash logs and bug reports.
23 December 2009
MetaTrader 5 Client Terminal build 233
  1. Terminal: Fixed processing the 'Disable selection' property of graphical objects.
  2. MQL5: Fixed optimizer errors.
  3. MQL5: Fixed pointer type casting.
  4. MQL5: Fixed calling GetPointer from 'this' connected to constancy.
  5. MQL5: Fixed calling the destructors.
  6. MQL5: Fixed the indicator buffer re-assignment.
  7. MetaEditor: Fixed debugger and terminal interaction.
10 December 2009
MetaTrader 5 Client Terminal build 230
  1. MQL5: Added the new GetPointer() function.
  2. MQL5: A pointer can be declared to classes only.
  3. MQL5: Fixed receiving the last known server time.
  4. Terminal: Fixed adding to the account base when opening a new account.
  5. Terminal: Fixed downloading charts when opening a new account.
  6. Terminal: Fixed errors reported in crash logs.
8 December 2009
MetaTrader 5 Client Terminal build 228
  1. MQL5: Fixed request of the time value of points for plotting graphical objects.
  2. MQL5: Added a method of searching a chart window containing the specified indicator - ChartWindowFind.
  3. MQL5: Fixed an error in the call sequence of complex object destructors.
  4. MQL5: Added the possibility to initialize structures containing strings, using the initializing sequence.
  5. MQL5: Fixed an error of implicit string casting when passing it as an integer parameter.
  6. MQL5: Changed the behavior of object destructors - class destructors are always virtual.
  7. Terminal: Fixed output of trade error alerts.
  8. Terminal: Fixed errors in quotes unpacking.
  9. Terminal: Implemented binding of the account base to a computer and user's Windows account, to prevent information theft. When changing the Windows account or carrying a terminal to another computer, the login and password must be specified again.
  10. Terminal: If the terminal help file hasn't been loaded yet, it's updated without the terminal restart.
  11. Terminal: Fixed an error that occurred when moving graphical objects, if one of construction points is out of visibility area.
  12. Terminal: Fixed an error in the trading history.
  13. MetaEditor 5: Fixed checking for the necessity to convert ANSI files into Unicode when loading files.
  14. MetaEditor 5: Fixed selection of the file extension during saving.
  15. MetaEditor 5: Fixed changing of the file modification time during debugging.
8 December 2009
MetaTrader 5 Client Terminal build 229
  1. MQL5: Fixed calling the destructor for a local object.
  2. MQL5: Fixed releasing a dynamic array with the size 0.
  3. MQL5: Fixed construction of a complex object having no constructor.
  4. Terminal:  Fixed errors reported in crash logs.