Added ability to send push notifications of transactions occurring on the client account: placing, changing and removing orders and deals, activation of pending orders and SL-TP, margin call and stop-out events.
Added display and managing alerts from the chart.
When management of trading levels from the chart is allowed, alert's price value can be changed by its dragging to a new price level. Alerts can be disabled or removed using a context menu of the appropriate level on the chart.
int a[2][2]={0,1,2,3};
Previously, the following entry has been necessary
int a[2][2]={{0,1},{2,3}};
Standard Library. Added CFlameCanvas class ("Include\Canvas\FlameCanvas.mqh") and an example of its application called Flame Chart ("Indicators\Examples\Canvas\FlameChart.mq5") - this example demonstrates the possibilities of generating custom images on the chart by means of MQL5.
The works on using the single compiler and MQL5 IDE for MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 are underway:
MQL5 on MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5
Instead of working on MQL4 -> MQL5 compatibility, we have decided to go the opposite way. We have transferred the maximum possible amount of MQL5 language functions and features fully preserving MQL4 functionality. In other words, all powerful MQL5 functions, including ООP and the native code compiler, will become available in MQL4. To achieve this, we have developed a unified compiler that automatically supports both MQL4 and MQL5 languages. MetaEditor will also become a unified application both for MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 platforms. Thus, it will be possible to compile both MQL4 and MQL5 from any version.
MQL5 Storage with MetaTrader 4
It will be easier for developers to manage source code versions, participate in team operations and synchronize files.
Improving the security of application codes in MetaTrader 4
New EX4/EX5 files are provided with a serious and completely revised protection, as compared to the old EX4.
Market of MetaTrader 4 applications
Transition to the new compiler that supports resources and conventional protection suited for each user's PC will allow users to develop and sell full-fledged applications. There is no need to worry about the protection of EX4/EX5 files sold via the Market - they do not contain bytecode but only a pure native code signed by our private key. This solution puts in order all the diversity of existing programs and protects the sellers.
Fixed errors reported in crash logs.
Updated documentation.
The live update is available through the LiveUpdate system.
The MetaTrader 5 Trading Terminal can be downloaded at
We have expanded payment system options by adding QIWI Wallet as a new way to deposit funds to your account.
This is already the fourth method of depositing money: now, you can use Visa QIWI Wallet along with WebMoney, PayPal and bank cards. Payment is made in rubles, charged commission is 1%, minimum payment is 100 rubles.
To deposit funds to your account, go to Payments section of your profile, select "Deposit to account" and choose QIWI Wallet from the four available options.
On the new page, specify the amount of funds in rubles to be
deposited and your mobile phone number which is used as an identifier in
the Visa QIWI Wallet payment system.
After the payment is confirmed, secure connection with Visa QIWI Wallet service is established, and you are offered to pay for an automatically generated invoice.
You can pay for it in several ways:
When depositing funds to your account, standard QIWI commission of 1% from the specified amount is charged. After the funds have been successfully transferred, they appear on your account immediately.
Choose the most convenient way to deposit funds to your account and use built-in services: Jobs freelance service, MetaTrader 4/5 AppStore and Trading Signals for MetaTrader platforms!Added display of the scalper Depth of Market for the symbols having no external one:
The new Depth of Market allows placing, modifying and deleting orders quickly and with maximum clarity providing best opportunities for profitable trading.
Added ability to place stop orders via the Depth of Market:
When pressing buy or sell button on a price level, the terminal automatically defines the type of the placed order - stop or limit - and passes it to the trade server.
Added command for displaying the history of deals on the chart:
Added display of Equity chart and signal reviews to the information about a signal. Added warning of the last trading transaction date.
bool ResourceReadImage( const string resource_name, // name of the graphic resource for reading uint& data[], // array for receiving data from the resource uint& width, // width of the copied area from the resource uint& height, // height of the copied area from the resource );
Fixed errors reported in crash logs.
Updated documentation.
The live update is available through the LiveUpdate system.
The MetaTrader 5 Trading Terminal can be downloaded at
What is social trading? It is a mutually beneficial cooperation of traders and investors whereby successful traders allow monitoring of their trading and potential investors take the opportunity to monitor their performance and copy trades of those who look more promising.
You monitor real-time trading of a number of traders, connect to the
most successful ones and copy their trades in automatic mode - that's
what social trading is about. For novice and inexperienced traders who
have just turned to financial markets for additional income, it is
probably the best opportunity to actually start trading.
You do not need to be a professional trader with a great bundle of knowledge and skills in order to trade professionally. Nor do you need to follow and analyze the news from financial markets, work out and implement trading strategies and be prepared to change the ones that fail to keep monitoring their performance in the new market conditions. Thanks to social trading it all becomes unnecessary since you can simply copy trades of all those who follow the news, analyze markets and create profitable strategies.
Is it difficult to start mirror trading and how much does it take? While hedge fund investing was not available to many due to high entry threshold (hundreds of thousands and millions of dollars), social trading is a highly affordable system available to absolutely any trader with any income level. It opens up access to a large market with vast opportunities that you, too, can use.
Social trading advantages are obvious:
Ready to take the opportunities offered by social trading but don't know where to start? MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 are the most famous and popular platforms for social and mirror trading, with Trading Signals service being a very convenient, advanced social trading feature offered in these platforms. Social trading with the MetaTrader platforms is very straightforward: the user chooses the signal directly in the terminal, subscribes to it and from that moment on all trades are copied in his account.
Social trading with MetaTrader will allow you to monitor trading activity and profitability of successful traders, and most importantly, copy their trades. If you see a positive trend in performance of one of the traders whose signal is available for subscription, go ahead with it and start copying his trades. The trading terminal will automatically mirror all trades of the signals provider in your account, without any manual intervention necessary.
So, after subscribing the trader can earn money using the Signals service, without effort, skills or trading experience.
After all, social trading should be simple and straightforward to be easily understood by traders with any background. We cannot but admit it. In this light, MetaTrader trading signals appear to be perfectly adequate. They are available to any user, regardless of their trading experience. Here, you are not required to sign an agreement with a provider of the selected signal or a broker, nor is there any paperwork or manual control necessary. Everything is done automatically.
All you need is to specify your broker and enter the number of your account on the broker's server. Nothing more than that. Subscription process will take very little time. The description of a step-by-step subscription procedure is available in the article entitled "How to Subscribe to Trading Signals". After reading it, you will subscribe to the signal of your choice quickly and easily.
Despite being seemingly complicated, choosing a provider of the suitable signal has been made as simple as possible - the Trading Signals section features a regularly updated list of providers. By default, signals on the list are sorted by quality ensuring that top positions are taken by signals with higher credibility and better financial performance. However, for your convenience trading signals can also be sorted by monthly growth, number of subscribers, price and other parameters.
Social trading with the MetaTrader trading platforms is easy, straightforward and available to everyone. Out of thousands of available signals providers, you just need to choose the one that suits you more and measures up to your parameters!
Added ability to set Stop Loss and Take Profit levels in market order placing dialog for symbols having Market and Exchange execution types. If the values of the levels are specified in points, the final value of placed Stop Loss and Take Profit prices is calculated based on the order's market price at the moment the request was placed in the client terminal.
Added display of trading levels' deviation from the market's, position's or order's price in points and client deposit currency when dragging trade levels of orders and stops.
Added display of trading levels' deviation from the market's, position's or order's price in points and client deposit currency into trade levels' tooltips.
Added "Enable dragging of trade levels with 'Alt' key" option - when enabled, dragging of trade levels is performed only in case Alt key is pressed.
Added currency display in the client account's status bar.
Revised display of signal list:
Added ability to change window size in the debugger.
Added edit commands:
"Make Uppercase (Ctrl+Shift+U)\Make Lowercase (Ctrl+U)" - convert all the characters of the highlighted text to uppercase/lowercase
Fixed errors reported in crash logs.
Updated documentation.
The live update is available through the LiveUpdate system.
The MetaTrader 5 Trading Terminal can be downloaded at
Added ability for "full" display in the Depth of Market - each price tick is displayed as a separate line in the Depth of Market.
Trading Signals
int val=b'101010'; // 42
This feature is designed for the cases when high-resolution timer is required. In other words, timer events should be received more frequently than once per second.
The minimum interval of 1000 milliseconds is used in the strategy tester. In general, when the timer period is reduced, the testing time is increased, as the handler of timer events is called more often. When working in real-time mode, timer events are generated no more than 1 time in 10-16 milliseconds due to hardware limitations.
Added ability to format the output of integers in the debugger: in binary form - using "b" modifier, in hexadecimal form - using "x" modifier.
Added ability to show the values for the fields of structures and classes:
Fixed errors reported in crash logs.
Updated documentation.
The live update is available through the LiveUpdate system.
The MetaTrader 5 Trading Terminal can be downloaded at
Five months ago, we reported on 500 000 users of MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5
mobile platforms. By April 2013, this number has doubled reaching the
level of one million mobile MetaTrader users! Such a good momentum
clearly shows that our mobile applications are in demand among the
widest possible audience.
"We are greatly encouraged by reaching the level of one million users of MetaTrader mobile platforms. This means that we are on the right track, and our solutions meet the needs of traders" - comments Gaies Chreis, COO of MetaQuotes Software Corp.
The statistical data has been gathered during the year from the time when MetaQuotes IDs were introduced in the mobile terminals. These unique identifiers allowed us to determine the exact amount of actually used mobile terminals.
Download and update MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 mobile terminals. The two million users mark is just around the corner!Revised one-click trading system:
When One-Click Trading mode is enabled, the trading dialog is closed right after a successful operation. In case of an error, the dialog displays its cause.
When One-Click Trading mode is enabled, Close Position command in the position's context menu results in an immediate closing of the position without showing the trading dialog. Added ability to remove SL-TP in one click in the list of open orders and positions.
Added the context menu for trading levels on the chart. The menu allows managing the level right from the chart.
When One-Click Trading mode is enabled, dragging trading levels of orders and positions results in an immediate modification of the appropriate order or stop level without showing the trading dialog.
A double click on the trading level displays order or position modification dialog.
Revised the context menu of trading from the chart, limit orders are now set in the main menu, added ability to set alerts right from the chart.
Removed Trading tab from Market Watch window. Now, any trade operations can be performed right on the chart.
Replaced conventional Depth of Market with the scalper one focused on the minimum time for performing a trade operation. When One-Click Trading mode is enabled, all trade operations are executed immediately without showing a trading dialog:
Fixed an error when changing a vertical scale for symbols with a specified tick size on a chart.
Added a tab displaying brokerage company's technical support web site.
Changed scaling algorithm in trading dialog's tick chart - now, the scale is chosen so that the levels of a trading order and stops are displayed on the chart.
Fixed Navigator window's multiple update when compiling the directory in MetaEditor.
Fixed an error leading to changing of the value in the order price field when switching between different modes of modification and setting a new order in the trading dialog.
Trading Signals
Added insufficient funds warning message when trying to subscribe to paid signals.
MQL5 Market
Added ability to download free applications from MQL5 Market without registering on MQL5.
Added new return codes when performing trading operations:
Implemented changes to CTrade class of the Standard Library.
Standard Library. Added diagram classes:
Examples of using the classes are added to MQL5\Scripts\Examples\Canvas\Charts.
Fixed errors reported in crash logs.
Updated documentation.
The live update is available through the LiveUpdate system.
The MetaTrader 5 Trading Terminal can be downloaded at
Trading Signals
Added detailed warning of different trading symbol settings at Signal Source and Subscriber's sides to the signal subscription dialog. This reduces the probability of subscribing to a signal, which is incompatible with Subscriber's trading account.
Added new position properties (ENUM_POSITION_PROPERTY_INTEGER enumeration):
POSITION_TIME_UPDATE_MSC - position changing time in milliseconds since 00:00:00 01.01.1970
Added CPositionInfo::TimeMsc, CPositionInfo::TimeUpdate and CPositionInfo::TimeUpdateMsc properties to Standard Library.
Added new order properties (ENUM_ORDER_PROPERTY_INTEGER enumeration):
ORDER_TIME_DONE_MSC - order execution time in milliseconds since 00:00:00 01.01.1970
Added COrderInfo::TimeSetupMsc, COrderInfo::TimeDoneMsc, CHistoryOrderInfo::TimeSetupMsc and CHistoryOrderInfo::TimeDoneMsc properties to Standard Library.
Added a new deal property (ENUM_DEAL_PROPERTY_INTEGER enumeration):
Added CDealInfo::TimeMsc property to Standard Library.
Added Navigate Forward/Navigate Backward commands to the tool bar and menu.
Added MQL5.Storage automatic activation - activation command is displayed in Navigator's context menu in case MQL5 account login and password are absent and MQL5.Storage base is empty:
Fixed errors reported in crash logs.
Updated documentation.
The live update is available through the LiveUpdate system.
The MetaTrader 5 Trading Terminal can be downloaded at
Trading Signals
Fixed errors reported in crash logs.
Updated documentation.
The live update is available through the LiveUpdate system.
The MetaTrader 5 Trading Terminal can be downloaded at
Added one click trading panel:
To show/hide one click trading panel, use the icon in the upper left corner or a context menu command.
Added automatic display of trading transactions on charts:
Trading Signals
Added command for refreshing the list of available signals in the signals showcase:
Fixed errors reported in crash logs.
Updated documentation.
The live update is available through the LiveUpdate system.
The MetaTrader 5 Trading Terminal can be downloaded at
Chart scale is now multiple of the symbol's tick size for the trading symbols having fixed tick size (futures).
Trading Signals
After clicking "Visualize", the client terminal automatically downloads the signal's trading history, opens appropriate charts and displays signal's deals as graphical objects in the same way as it is done for the trading account's history of the client terminal.
Changed the algorithm for calculation of the copied deal's volume in case a Signal Source and a Subscriber have different leverages:
Current algorithm:A deal volume is changed in direct ratio to the correlation of a Signal Source's leverage with a Subscriber's one. It means that if a Signal Source having a leverage of 1:100 opens a deal of 1 lot, a Subscriber having a leverage of 1:500 will open a deal of 5 lots in case of 100% copying and a deposit matching by size and currency. A subscriber having a leverage of 1:10 will open a deal of 0.1 lots in similar conditions.
New algorithm:If subscriber's leverage exceeds the one of the Signal Source, it does not affect a volume of a copied deal. Otherwise, the deal volume is changed in direct ratio to the correlation of a Signal Source's leverage with a Subscriber's one.
It means that if a Signal Source having a leverage of 1:100 opens a deal of 1 lot, a Subscriber having a leverage of 1:500 will open a deal of 1 lot in case of 100% copying and a deposit matching by size and currency. A subscriber having a leverage of 1:10 will open a deal of 0.1 lots in similar conditions.
MQL5 Market
bool TextOut( const string text, // displayed text int x, // X coordinate int y, // Y coordinate uint anchor, // anchor type uint &data[], // output buffer uint width, // buffer width in pixels uint height, // buffer height in pixels uint color, // text color ENUM_COLOR_FORMAT color_format // color format for output );TextSetFont function sets the font for displaying the text using drawing methods and returns the operation result.
bool TextSetFont(
const string name, // font name or path to font file on the disk
uint size, // font size
uint flags, // combination of flags
int orientation=0 // text slope angle
TextGetSize function returns the line width and height at the current font settings.
bool TextGetSize( const string text, // text string uint& width, // buffer width in pixels uint& height // buffer height in pixels );
Fixed errors reported in crash logs.
Updated documentation.
The live update is available through the LiveUpdate system.
The MetaTrader 5 Trading Terminal can be downloaded at
Descargar el terminal MetaTrader 5 para iPhone a través del enlace:
Trading Signals
Added filtering by signal age and by type of signal source account in the signals showcase. Added color highlighting of signals by type of signal source account:
Also added the command for quick search of a description of the signal the account is subscribed to - "My Subscription".
Added subscription renewal feature. Expanded information about the current subscription.
MQL5 Market
Added new function ArrayCompare:
int ArrayCompare(const void &src1[],const void &src2[],uint start1=0,uint start2=0,uint count=WHOLE_ARRAY);
Compared are arrays of simple types or custom structures without complex objects (strings, dynamic arrays, classes or other structures with complex objects). This function works only with arrays of the same type src1 and src2. When src1 is of type char and src2 is of type uchar, the error 302 "type mismatch" will occur.
Changed OpenCL benchmark system: when OpenCL device(s) configuration is changed (including at the first run), terminal runs a test that determines device(s) performance and stores information in the registry.
To automatically select the most efficient device, call the function of creating OpenCL context and specify CL_USE_ANY as the device number.
Results of main optimization and forward optimization are now displayed on different tabs of tester window. This allows an easier navigation in results of forward optimization.
Forward testing settings can now be applied to a single test pass.
Obtained two sets of results - from start date up to forward date and from forward date up to end date (instead of one set of results from start date up to end date) - accurately repeat the appropriate lines in optimization results with the enabled forward period. This feature is not yet provided in visualization mode.
Modified displaying of char type variables in debugger. If value corresponds to a printable character, this character is also displayed.
Added commands to navigate between previously opened documents - Navigate Forward and Navigate Backward:
Fixed errors reported in crash logs.
Updated documentation.
The live update is available through the LiveUpdate system.
The MetaTrader 5 Trading Terminal can be downloaded at
Full text of news - Updated MetaTrader 5 Android Features Data Window and OHLC Prices.
The MetaTrader 5 for Android can be downloaded at
Over half a million of traders from all over the world currently use MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 mobile terminals in their trading activity. This figure is the most objective proof of the high quality and functionality of the mobile applications developed by MetaQuotes Software Corp.
83 000 traders use MetaTrader 5 terminals, while 418 000 traders use MetaTrader 4. This statistical data includes the terminals both for iPhone and Android devices. Though both mobile platforms have almost similar functionality, the wider popularity of MetaTrader 4 is obvious. This can be explained by widespread distribution of the platform on the market.
"We are glad that we managed to release the applications that have become so popular. Positive statistical data suggests that we are on the right track, and we should continue our development in this direction" - said Gaies Chreis, company COO.
The statistical data has been gathered during the last six months from the time when MetaQuotes ID was introduced in the mobile terminals. These unique identifiers have been designed to send service messages to traders' terminals. They also allow defining the number of actually used terminals. MetaQuotes ID is assigned to a mobile terminal only when it is launched. In other words, statistics consider only the terminals that have been actually launched and used.
Download and, most importantly, use MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 mobile terminals. Have a nice trend!
Trading Signals:
Changed signal list display. The signals installed on the server of the broker, to which the terminal corresponds, are now displayed by default. In case of the signals' absence, the ones installed on MetaQuotes demo server are displayed. Select "Full Signal List" in the signals context menu to see the complete signal list.
Fixed errors reported in crash logs.
Updated documentation.
The live update is available through the LiveUpdate system.
The MetaTrader 5 Trading Terminal can be downloaded at
Added "Test" command to the context menu of MQL5 applications - enabling Strategy Tester with an MQL5 application selected for testing.
Added the dialog of consent to synchronize positions on a subscriber's account with signal's ones in case of a positive floating profit on a signal provider's account:
By default, synchronization is allowed only if the floating profit on the provider's account is not positive. This ensures that the signal subscriber can enter the market at a price that is not worse than the provider's one during synchronization of positions. Thus, the appropriate dialog window is shown before synchronization where traders can enable forced synchronization of positions with the signal, despite the positive floating profit.
Added the dialog of automatic closing of positions and orders on a subscriber's account before synchronizing with signal provider's positions and orders:
Before synchronization, subscribers should close positions and remove orders opened manually or based on another signal. If open positions or pending orders unrelated to the provider's signals are detected, the client terminal will offer to remove all pending orders and close all positions automatically at the current price. However, traders can perform all necessary actions manually.
template<typename T> // В < > указываются параметры шаблона через запятую, не более 8. T ArrayMax(const T &data[],const T defval) // В качестве параметра может выступать только тип { T result=defval; uint size =ArraySize(data); //--- for(uint i=0;i<size;i++) { if(result<data[i]) { result=data[i]; } } //--- return(result); }Keep in mind that automatic reduction of parameters is not allowed when a template function is called. The parameter type should be clearly defined. For example, when calling ArrayMax function for char type array and CHAR_MIN as defval, the second parameter's type should be clearly defined as char:
char a[]; Print(ArrayMax(a,CHAR_MIN)); // ошибка, невозможно применить шаблон, т.к. T может быть или char или int Print(ArrayMax(a,(char)CHAR_MIN)); // ошибки нет, параметр шаблона T может быть только charNumber of template parameters cannot exceed 8. Insertion of templates into the code is performed only by call parameters, evident template typification is not performed.
Print(ArrayMax<char>(a,CHAR_MIN)); // Явная типизация шаблона пока не доступна!
Fixed errors reported in crash logs.
Updated documentation.
The live update is available through the LiveUpdate system.
The MetaTrader 5 Trading Terminal can be downloaded at
Descargar MetaTrader 5 para Android a través del enlace:
Fixed errors reported in crash logs.
Updated documentation.
The live update is available through the LiveUpdate system.
The MetaTrader 5 Trading Terminal can be downloaded at