¿Qué novedades tiene MetaTrader 5?

Historial de actualizaciones de las plataformas desktop, móvil y web

16 enero 2015
MetaTrader 5 Trading Terminal build 1045: Nuevo WebRequest

Terminal de trading

  1. Trabajos preparatorios para el soporte del hosting virtual en el terminal MetaTrader 5. El servicio de hosting virtual da la posibilidad de acceder a un terminal de alquiler que trabaja las 24 horas, sin interrupciones y sin salir de MetaTrader 5. Una de sus principales peculiaridades es la posibilidad de elegir el servidor que se encuentre más cercano al servidor del bróker, lo que permite minimizar los retrasos de red.

  2. Los agentes de simulación funcionan ahora solo en los sistemas de 64 bits. Esta decisión se basa en la necesidad de seguir las tendencias de desarrollo de la industria de IT. La renuncia a las antiguas tecnologías en favor de las nuevas permitirá aumentar la productividad de los cálculos y dará la posibilidad de desarrollar posteriormente la red de cálculos en la nube MQL5 Cloud Network.

    Cambios en los compoenentes de la plataforma:

    • En las versiones de 32 bits de los terminales dejará de estar disponible el uso de los agentes remotos y los agentes de red de MQL5 Cloud Network. En lugar de la lista con estos agentes, se mostrará el mensaje "Solo disponible en la versión de 64 bits".
    • El gestor de agentes MetaTester 5 Agents Manager solo estará disponible en la versión de 64 bits. Por consiguiente, la instalación de agentes solo se podrá realizar en los sistemas de 64 bits.

  3. Corregido el filtrado de noticias por idioma al indicar manualmente la lista de idiomas en los ajustes del terminal.
  4. Optimizado el trabajo con un gran número de órdenes abiertas.
  5. Acelerado el envío de solicitudes comerciales.
  6. Realizada la adaptación completa de la interfaz para las pantallas de alta resolución Full HD y superiores.

Lenguaje MQL5

  1. Añadida una nueva variedad de la función WebRequest:
    int WebRequest (string method, string url,string headers,int timeout, const char &data[], int data_size,char &result[], string &result_headers)

    Esta función permite conformar explícitamente el contenido del encabezamiento de la solicitud HTTP, ofreciendo un mecanismo de interacción más flexible con los diferentes servicios web. Por ejemplo: Publicación automática con WebRequest()

  2. Añadidas nuevas posibilidades de la cuenta comercial. Las propiedades están disponibles con la ayuda de la función AccountInfoDouble.

    • ACCOUNT_MARGIN_INITIAL - margen inicial actual de la cuenta.
    • ACCOUNT_MARGIN_MAINTENANCE - margen de mantenimiento actual de la cuenta.
    • ACCOUNT_ASSETS - activos actuales en la cuenta.
    • ACCOUNT_LIABILITIES - obligaciones actuales en la cuenta.
    • ACCOUNT_COMMISSION_BLOCKED - comisión actual bloqueada de la cuenta.

  3. Añadidas nuevas propiedades del instrumento comercial:

    • SYMBOL_OPTION_STRIKE - precio de strike del contrato de opciones. La propiedad se obtiene con la función SymbolInfoDouble.
    • SYMBOL_BASIS - nombre del activo básico del instrumento comercial. La propiedad se obtiene con la función SymbolInfoString.
    • SYMBOL_OPTION_MODE - tipo de opción, el valor se establece con la ayuda de la enumeración ENUM_SYMBOL_OPTION_MODE. 
    • SYMBOL_OPTION_RIGHT - derecho de la opción, el valor se establece con la ayuda de la enumeración ENUM_SYMBOL_OPTION_RIGHT. La propiedad se obtiene con la función SymbolInfoInteger.

  4. Añadida la función SymbolInfoMarginRate - obtiene el valor de la tasa del margen de carga inicial y de mantenimiento dependiendo del tipo y la dirección de la orden comercial.
  5. Corregido el funcionamiento de la función ChartIndicatorName en el simulador de estrategias.
  6. Corregido el error de compilación de macros que contienen la sustitución del nombre con la ayuda de ##.
  7. Corregido el error de reseteo del signo de final de archivo al abrir un nuevo archivo.

Correciones de crash logs.

Actualización de la documentación.

13 diciembre 2014
Actualización de la plataforma MetaTrader 5 build 1035: Constructor de estrategias de opciones y acceso a los tics


  1. Continúan los trabajos de desarrollo de las posibilidades de las opciones comerciales. Añadido un constructor de estrategias de opciones. Se ha diseñado para ayudar a combinar las diferentes opciones en la cartera de inversiones, valorar el potencial y los riesgos.

    El constructor es fácil de usar: el trader elige la opción de fecha de expiración y el activo base, y después elige una de las más de 30 estrategias disponibles. El constructor muestra la combinación de opciones correspondiente y calcula según estas los parámetros para la valoración los así llamados "griegos" (Greeks). En la parte inferior de la ventana, además, se puede ver el gráfico de beneficios/pérdidas, así como el gráfico según los griegos.

    Como complemento a la gran cantidad de estrategias incluidas, el trader puede crear y guardar para su uso posterior sus propias estrategias.

  2. Añadida la muestra del número de noticias recibidas en las últimas 24 horas.

  3. Optimizada y acelerada la sicronización de los grandes volúmenes de la historia de órdenes y operaciones comerciales.
  4. Corregida la inserción de varios indicadores personalizados en una subventana del gráfico.
  5. Corregido el recálculo del indicador "Bill Williams Market Facilitation Index" al cambiar el periodo del gráfico.
  6. Corregida la minimización de la ventana "Instrumentos".
  7. Corregida la formación del informe del estado de la cuenta comercial, publicado por FTP.
  8. Actualizada la traducción del interfaz a la lengua alemana
  9. Añadida la traducción del interfaz a las lenguas griega y uzbeca


  1. Añadida la función de trabajo con la historia de tics CopyTicks. La función permite obtener la matriz de los tics acumulados por el terminal en la sesión actual. La profundidad de los tics recibidos está limitada a los últimos 2 000.

    La nueva función se amplia mediante la posibilidad de escribir robots comerciales por scalping. La función OnTick no se constituye como procesador de cada tic, sino que notifica al experto sobre los cambios en el mercado. Los cambios pueden darse en paquetes: al terminal pueden llegar varios tics al mismo tiempo, pero la función OnTick será llamada solo una vez para notificar al experto sobre el último estado del mercado. La función CopyTicks permite obtener y analizar todos los tics ingresados.

    Es posible solicitar los tics según la fecha, indicando el valor from, o según la cantidad, indicando el valor count. Si no se indica ninguno de los parámetros, se transmiten todos los tics disponibles, pero no más de 2000. Igualmente, es posible solicitar los tics según su tipo, con ayuda del parámetro flags. Valores disponibles: 
    • COPY_TICKS_ALL - todos los tics.
    • COPY_TICKS_INFO - solo los tics de información (Bid y Ask).
    • COPY_TICKS_TRADE - solo los tics comerciales (Last y Volume).
  2. MQL5: Añadida la posibilidad de cargar de nuevo el método en función de su carácter constante. 
  3. Añadida la posibilidad de cargar de nuevo las funciones de plantilla con la ayuda de las matrices-parámetros.
  4. MQL5: Añadida la generación del evento CHARTEVENT_MOUSE_MOVE (en el punto de entrada OnChartEvent) al pulsar el botón derecho del ratón en el gráfico.
  5. MQL5: Corregido el funcionamiento del operador Switch, de darse en la condición case valores negativos.
  6. MQL5: Aumentada la precisión de los cálculos en las funciones ObjectGetValueByTime() y ObjectGetTimeByValue(), que permiten obtener el valor del precio para el tiempo indicado de un objeto y al contrario, el valor del tiempo para el valor del precio.


  1. Añadida la posibilidad de simular y optimizar los programas MQL5 comprados en la tienda MetaTrader AppStore, en los agentes de la red en la nube MQL5 Cloud Network y en los agentes a distancia.
  2. Corregido el cálculo de los swaps en puntos para las posiciones con un volumen inferior a 1 lote.
  3. Corregida la comprobación y normalización de los niveles SL-TP al abrir una posición según un instrumento comercial con el modo de ejecución "Market Execution".
  4. Corregido el comportamiento de la función ObjectGetValueByTime. En algunos casos el comportamiento de la función en el simulador se diferenciaba del comportamiento en el terminal.


  1. Corregido el bloqueo de MetaEditor al depurar y analizar el rendimiento de programas bloqueados.
  2. Añadida la traducción del interfaz a las lenguas griega y uzbeca

Correciones de crash logs.

Se ha actualizado la documentación.

La actualización estará disponible a través del sistema LiveUpdate.
26 noviembre 2014
MetaTrader 5 Android build 990
  1. Actualización para Android 4.0 y superior. La versión para el resto de aparatos está disponible para ser instalada, pero su soporte se detiene.
  2. Se ha realizado de nuevo el diseño de la aplicación, de acuerdo con las recomendaciones de Google Style Guide.
  3. Añadida la profundidad de mercado.
  4. Añadidas las noticias.
  5. Añadidos los marcos temporales de los gráficos W1 y MN.
  6. Añadido el registro. En él queda registrada la información sobre todos los eventos y operaciones comerciales.
  7. Añadidas las traducciones al griego y al portugués, actualizada la traducción al checo.
  8. Errores corregidos.

Valore ahora mismo las nuevas posibilidades de MetaTrader 5 móvil en su dispositivo Android. ¡Descargue nuestra aplicación desde Google Play!

9 noviembre 2014
MetaTrader 5 iPhone build 991

Añadida compatibilidad con iOS 8.

31 octubre 2014
Actualización de la plataforma MetaTrader 5 build 1010: Nuevas Señales, Market y Opciones

Trading Signals

  1. Hemos actualizado completamente la vitrina de las Señales. Han sido agregadas nuevas funciones, ha sido mejorado el diseño, ahora trabajar con las Señales será más cómodo.

    Nuevas funciones de la lista de las Señales:

    • En la lista de las Señales han aparecido los gráficos del crecimiento parecidos a los que se muestran en el sitio web de MQL5.community. El icono verde que figura en la esquina inferior izquierda del gráfico significa que la Señal ha sido creada a base de una cuenta real.
    • Ahora Usted puede suscribirse a una Señal directamente desde la lista. Para eso tiene que pulsar el botón con la imagen del precio (o Free si la Señal es gratuita). Después de eso aparecerá el cuadro de confirmación de la suscripción.
    • Ahora se puede agregar las Señales a los Favoritos. Haga clic en la estrella al final de la línea. Después de eso podrá encontrar fácilmente esta Señal en la pestaña «Favoritos».
    • Ha sido quitado el menú contextual. Ahora para encontrar la Señal a la que está suscrito, entre en cualquier Señal. En el panel superior estará indicada la Señal a la que está suscrito y la referencia a ella.

    Ha sido actualizada la página para ver las Señales. Ahora se puede agregar las Señales a los Favoritos. Si sitúa el cursor sobre «Crecimiento», aparece el estado general de la cuenta de la Señal.

    La estadística de la Señal ha sido ampliada:

    • Volumen total de los fondos del suscriptor.
    • Plazo de vida de la cuenta comercial desde el momento de la primera operación comercial.
    • Tiempo medio del mantenimiento de la posición.

    Además, han sido agregadas nuevas pestañas:

    • Riesgos - información sobre las mejores y las peores operaciones comerciales y sobre las series de operaciones, así como sobre las reducciones.
    • Comentarios - comentarios de los suscriptores de la Señal.
    • Noticias - mediante esta pestaña el proveedor puede informar a los suscriptores sobre cualquier cambio en el funcionamiento de la Señal y publicar cualquier información útil.


  1. Ha sido cambiada la visualización de los productos en MetaTrader AppStore. Los programas, revistas y los libros han sido rediseñados. Ha aparecido la posibilidad de agregar producto en los Favoritos. Haga clic en la estrella al revisar el producto. Después de eso podrá encontrarlo fácilmente en la pestaña «Favoritos».

Trading terminal

  1. Ha sido agregada la tabla de opciones y el gráfico de volatilidad. Sigue el trabajo de introducción de herramientas para comerciar con opciones. Planeamos incluir las herramientas del análisis de estrategias de opciones en la siguiente versión.

    Tabla de opciones
    En la tabla se muestra una serie de opciones según la fecha de vencimiento para el activo base (clase de opciones) seleccionado en el campo "Underlying". Para las opciones se muestran los siguientes parámetros:

    • Bid CALL - precio de venta de la opción call.
    • Ask CALL - precio de compra de la opción call.
    • Theo CALL - precio teórico (justo) de la opción call calculado para el strike indicado según los datos históricos.
    • Strike - precio de ejecución de la opción.
    • Volatility -  volatilidad implícita (implied). Se indica en por cientos y caracteriza las expectativas de los participantes del mercado en cuanto al coste del activo base de la opción.
    • Theo PUT - precio teórico (justo) de la opción put calculado para el strike indicado según los datos históricos.
    • Bid PUT - precio de venta de la opción put.
    • Ask PUT - precio de compra de la opción put.

    Gráfico de volatilidad
    En el eje horizontal de este gráfico se muestran los strikes de la opción y en el eje vertical se muestra la volatilidad implícita.

  2. Ha sido agregada la muestra de los valores del ping en la lista de los puntos de acceso.

  3. Ha sido realizada la adaptación de la interfaz del terminal para las pantallas de alta resolución- Full HD y superior. Ahora el menú, los paneles de herramientas, títulos de las ventanas tienen el tamaño suficiente para una cómoda revisión y el trabajo en las pantallas táctiles de las tabletas Windows.

  4. Ha sido agregado el comando de control de los símbolos comerciales en el menú «Ver» y en la barra de herramientas. Ahora tendrá los ajustes de los símbolos siempre a mano:


  1. Ha sido agregada la conversión del parámetro de la macro en la línea y la concatenación del parámetro de la macro. A continuación viene el ejemplo en el que la concatenación de las macros permite organizar la eliminación automática de las instancias de clase.
    //|                                                     MacroExample |
    //|                        Copyright 2014, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
    //|                                       https://www.metaquotes.net  |
    #property script_show_inputs
    input bool InpSecond=true;
    #define DEFCLASS(class_name) class class_name:public CBase{public:class_name(string name):CBase(name){}};
    #define TOSTR(x) #x
    #define AUTODEL(obj) CAutoDelete auto_##obj(obj)
    #define NEWOBJ(type,ptr) do { ptr=new type(TOSTR(ptr)); \
                             Print("Create object '",TOSTR(type)," ",TOSTR(ptr),"' by macro NEWOBJ"); } \
    //| La clase base es necesaria para autoeliminación de objetos               |
    class CBase
       string            m_name;
                         CBase(string name):m_name(name) { }
       string            Name(void) const{ return(m_name); }
    //| Clase de autoeliminación de objetos permite no seguir los   |
    //| objetos creados. Los elimina en su destructor                     |
    class CAutoDelete
       CBase            *m_obj;
                         CAutoDelete(CBase *obj):m_obj(obj) { }
             Print("Delete object '",m_obj.Name(),"' by CAutoDelete class");
             delete m_obj;
    //| Declaramos dos clases nuevas CFoo y CBar                             |
    //| La función principal del script                                         |
    void OnStart()
       CFoo *foo;
    //--- creamos el objeto de la clase CFoo
    //--- creamos la instancia de la clase de autoeliminación del objeto CFoo foo
          CBar *bar;
    //--- No hace falta eliminar foo, será eliminado automáticamente
  2. Ha sido agregada la propiedad OBJPROP_ANCHOR para los objetos gráficos "Bitmap" y "Bitmap Label". La propiedad determina el punto de anclaje del objeto gráfico sobre el gráfico: la esquina superior izquierda, a la izquierda en el centro, la esquina inferior izquierda, abajo en el centro, etc.
  3. Ha sido agregada la lectura de la propiedad del gráfico CHART_BRING_TO_TOP (el gráfico se muestra por encima de los demás) en la función ChartGetInteger.
  4. Han sido corregidos los errores de compilación y generación del operador ternario "?".
  5. Ha sido corregido el error de transmisión del array estático - miembro de la clase.
  6. Ha sido corregida la aplicación de la plantilla a la lista de inicialización de los miembros de la clase del constructor de plantillas.

Trading signals

  1. Han sido suavizadas considerablemente las limitaciones durante la suscripción a las Señales:

    Si en el historial comercial de la Señal hay símbolos los que el suscriptor no tiene, la suscripción está permitida (antes estaba prohibida). Las acciones con las posiciones en las que el suscriptor no tiene símbolos se ignoran. En el diario se muestra el mensaje informativo:
    2014.08.26 16:44:29.036    '2620818': Signal - symbol GBPNZD not found
    Si el suscriptor tiene posiciones y/o órdenes pendientes, se muestra el diálogo de aviso con la propuesta de cerrar/eliminarlos (como antes). Sin embargo, ahora no es una condición obligatoria para seguir trabajando con las Señales.

    La sincronización con el proveedor de las Señales será realizada. Las posiciones y las órdenes que han sido abiertas no por la Señal a la que se realiza la suscripción se quedarán sin cambios. El usuario puede realizar cualquier operación con ellas.

    Ahora los usuarios pueden realizar las operaciones comerciales manualmente (o a través del Asesor Experto) estando suscritos a la Señal. El Servicio de las Señales va a ignorar las posiciones y órdenes abiertas por el trader.
    Hay que tomar en cuenta que la colocación manual de las órdenes influye en el volumen del margen disponible en la cuenta comercial. Al abrir una posición manualmente, la carga total sobre la cuenta se aumenta en comparación con la cuenta del proveedor de las Señales.
  2. Ha sido agregado el mantenimiento del porcentaje del copiado de volúmenes con el punto flotante. Ha sido reducido el porcentaje del copiado de volúmenes de las Señales de 1% a 0.001%.


  1. Han sido corregidos los colgados del agente de simulación durante el trabajo con la red en nube MQL5 Cloud Network.
  2. Ha sido corregida la calculación de los swaps en puntos con los volúmenes mínimos de la posición comercial.


  1. Ha sido corregido el funcionamiento de los atajos para los comandos "Navigate Forward" y "Navigate Backward".


  1. Ha sido corregida la navegación por las páginas en la barra de herramientas.
  2. Ha sido corregida la búsqueda del texto en función del idioma actual de la interfaz.

Corregidos los errores de los crash logs.

Ha sido actualizada la documentación.

La actualización estará disponible a través del sistema LiveUpdate.

20 agosto 2014
MetaTrader 5 iPhone build 971
  1. Añadida la posibilidad de editar los niveles de los indicadores y objetos
  2. Añadida la traducción al portugués.
1 agosto 2014
MetaTrader 5 Trading Terminal build 975: Displaying Expert ID

Trading Terminal

  1. Added display of a trade ID (magic number) set by an Expert Advisor. The ID is displayed as a tooltip in the list of open positions and orders, as well as in the trading history.

    Displaying Expert ID

  2. Optimized work with a large number of trading symbols (thousands and tens of thousands).
  3. Fixed display of alerts on the price chart. The alert's price level was sometimes displayed in the indicator's subwindow.
  4. Updated interface translations into Chinese, Turkish and Japanese.
  5. Fixed displaying the list of chart templates in the application's main menu.
  6. Fixed displaying the list of trade symbol sets in the context menu of Market Watch window.

MQL5 Language

  1. Fixed errors in working with built-in structures that could occasionally disrupt the operation of IndicatorParameters and MarketBookGet methods.
  2. Fixed type conversion from bool to string.
  3. Fixed working with virtual functions.
  4. Fixed an error in the operation of FileReadStruct and FileWriteStruct functions within EX5 libraries.
  5. Fixed a compiler error that occurred in case a key word was present in a comment.

Strategy Tester

  1. Fixed calculation of swaps in points when testing.
  2. Fixed passing the file defined in #property tester_file. An error occurred if the file was in the common folder of the client terminals.
  3. Greatly improved selection of the nearest cloud server by the tester agents working within MQL5 Cloud Network of distributed computing. Thus, their operation speed is increased significantly.


  1. Fixed text replacement when the list of MetaAssist tips is collapsed.

Fixed errors reported in crash logs.

Updated documentation.

The update is available through the LiveUpdate system.

27 junio 2014
MetaTrader 5 trading terminal build 965: Smart Search, OTP and Money Transfer between Accounts

Trading terminal

  1. Completely revised built-in search. The new search is a smart and powerful system. Search results are now conveniently arranged by categories.

    As you type in search query, the system instantly offers possible options:

    In order to search by one of the previous queries, place the cursor to the box and click Down Arrow key to open the query history. Selection of a search area is not available in the search bar any more, as the system automatically selects the most relevant results arranging them by categories conveniently:

    For better representation, search results now contain not only texts but also avatars of articles, books and applications. Use the top panel to view the search results by MetaTrader Appstore Products, Code Base, Signals, MQL5.community Forum and Documentation. If a category has no results, it is highlighted in gray.

  2. Added the OTP authentication feature. Use of OTP (one-time password) provides an additional level of security when working with trading accounts. The user is required to enter a unique one-time password every time to connect to an account.

    One-time passwords are generated in the MetaTrader 5 mobile terminal for iPhone . The same one-time password generation option will be added in the mobile terminal for Android soon.

    How to enable OTP
    To start using one-time passwords, a trading account should be bound to a password generator, which is the MetaTrader mobile terminal 5 for iPhone.
    The use of the OTP option should be enabled on a trade server.
    Go to the Settings of the mobile terminal and select OTP. For security reasons, when the section is opened for the first time, a four-digit password should be set. The password must be entered every time to access the password generator.

    In the window that opens, select "Bind to account".

    Next, specify the name of the server on which the trading account was opened, the account number and the master password to it. The "Bind" should be kept enabled. It must be disabled, if the specified account should be unbound from the generator and one-time passwords should no longer be used.

    After the "Bind" button located in the upper part of the window is tapped, a trading will be bound to the generator, and an appropriate message will appear.

    Likewise, an unlimited number of accounts can be bound to the generator.

    The one-time password is displayed at the top of the OTP section. Underneath, a blue bar visualizes the password lifetime. Once the password expires, it is no longer valid, and a new password will be generated.

    Additional Commands:

    • Change Password - change the generator password.
    • Synchronize Time - synchronize the time of the mobile device with the reference server. Accuracy requirement is connected with the fact that the one-time password is bound with the current time interval, and this time should be the same on the client terminal and the server side.

    How to use OTP in the desktop terminal
    After binding a trading account to the generator, a one-time password will be additionally requested when connecting to it from the desktop terminal:

  3. Added an option for transferring money between accounts within the same trade server. Money can be transferred only from the currently connected account. Select it in the "Navigator" window and click "Transfer funds" in the context menu.

    In the dialog box, select the account to which funds need to be transferred. The transfer amount is specified in the deposit currency of the current account. It cannot exceed the current balance and the current amount of free margin of the account.

    To transfer funds, a master password must be specified for both accounts. If OTP authentication is used for the account, from which funds are transferred, the one-time password should be additionally specified.

    Transfer of funds is provided in the form of balance operations: a withdrawal operation on the current account and depositing operation on the recipient account.
    • The money transfer option should be enabled on the trade server. Depending on the settings, there are some restrictions on the accounts, between which transfer is allowed. In particular, money transfer can be allowed only for accounts with identical names and emails.

    • Funds can be transferred only within the same trading server and only between the accounts of the same type. From a real account funds can be transferred only to another real account, from a demo one - only to demo.
    • The accounts, between which funds are transferred, should use the same deposit currency.
  4. Added an option for changing the password of any trading account in the "Navigator" window. Previously, it was possible to change the password only for the currently connected account.

    Now any account can be selected in the "Navigator" window and its passwords can be changed by clicking the appropriate command in the context menu:

  5. Added the possibility to set SL and TP levels on the chart by dragging the trade level of the corresponding position (using drag'n'drop). Hover the mouse over the level of the position on the chart. Click the left mouse button and hold it to move the level up or down.

    For long positions dragging down allows to set stop loss, up - take profit. And vice versa for short positions. When a level is dragged, the possible profit/loss in pips and currency, which may occur when this level triggers, is shown.

  6. Changed the location of commands in the "Window" menu. Now the "Tile window" option is displayed first, hotkeys Alt+R have been assigned for this command. This command has also been added to the standard toolbar.

  7. In the "Navigator" categories "Indicators" and "Custom Indicators" have been combined into one category "Indicators".

    All custom indicators, examples, and indicators purchased from the MetaTrader AppStore are now shown together with the built-in technical indicators. Four categories of built-in indicators are always displayed first.

  8. Revised the Navigator's context menu.

    Login has been renamed to "Login to Trade Account". Authentication in MQL5.community is available not only via the terminal settings but also via the context menus of the "Accounts" section and its subsections.

    The following changes have been implemented to the account's context menu:
    • Moved "Open an Account" command to the first position.
    • Added "Change Password" feature.
    • Added "Register a Virtual Server" command.

  9. Fixed display of the Label and Bitmap Label graphical objects with the anchor point located in one of the bottom corners of a chart.

MQL5 Language

  1. Added WebRequest() function for working with HTTP requests allowing MQL5 programs to interact with different websites and web services.

    The new function allows any EA to exchange data with third-party websites, perform trades based on the latest news and economic calendar entries, implement analytics, generate and publish automatic reports, read the latest quotes and do many other things that could previously be achieved only by using third-party DLLs of questionable reliability. The new feature is absolutely safe for traders, as they are able to manage the list of trusted websites the programs have access to.

    WebRequest function sends and receives data from websites using GET and POST requests. The new feature is absolutely safe for traders, as they are able to manage the list of trusted websites the programs have access to.

    This option is disabled by default for security reasons.

  2. Added access to signals database and managing signals subscription from MQL5 applications.

    Now, a user can receive the list of signals, evaluate them according to user-defined criteria, select the best one and subscribe to it automatically from a MQL5 program. In fact, it means the advent of the new class of trading robots that periodically look through available signals and subscribe to the one that is most suitable at the moment.

    For this purpose new signal management functions have been added to the MQL5 language:

    • SignalBase*() — functions for accessing the signals database.
    • SignalInfo*() — functions for receiving signal settings.
    • SignalSubscribe() and SignalUnsubscribe() — subscription management functions.

    Thus, a user can not only copy trades, but also to select signals for copying. Both processes are automated.

    By default, a trading robot is not allowed to change signal settings for security reasons. To enable this function, tick the "Allow modification of Signals settings" option in Expert Advisor settings.

  3. Added new properties of the client terminal that are available through the TerminalInfo* functions:
    • TERMINAL_MQID - the property shows that MetaQuotes ID is specified in terminal settings.
    • TERMINAL_COMMUNITY_ACCOUNT - this property shows that MQL5.community account is specified in the settings.
    • TERMINAL_COMMUNITY_ACCOUNT - this property shows that MQL5.community account is specified in the settings.
    • TERMINAL_COMMUNITY_BALANCE - value of balance on the MQL5.community account.
    • TERMINAL_NOTIFICATIONS_ENABLED - shows whether sending notifications through MetaQuotes ID is allowed.

  4. Added functions for working with cryptographic algorithms: CryptEncode() and CryptDecode(). These functions allow you to encrypt and decrypt the data, for example, when sending data over the network using the WebRequest() function. They also allow you to calculate checksums and make data archiving.

    Function signatures:
    int CryptEncode(ENUM_CRYPT_METHOD method,const uchar &data[],const uchar &key[],uchar &result[]);
    int CryptDecode(ENUM_CRYPT_METHOD method,const uchar &data[],const uchar &key[],uchar &result[]);
    A new enumeration ENUM_CRYPT_METHOD has been added for working with the functions:
    CRYPT_BASE64,      // BASE64 encryption (re-encoding)
    CRYPT_AES128,      // AES encryption with 128-bit key
    CRYPT_AES256,      // AES encryption with 256-bit key
    CRYPT_DES,         // DES encryption (key length is 56 bits - 7 bytes)
    CRYPT_HASH_SHA1,   // calculation of HASH SHA1
    CRYPT_HASH_SHA256, // calculation of HASH SHA256
    CRYPT_HASH_MD5,    // calculation of HASH MD5
    CRYPT_ARCH_ZIP,    // ZIP archive

  5. Added an option for changing the size of the properties dialog of MQL5 programs.

  6. Added ability to debug the template functions.
  7. Added definition of the custom indicators that are executed too slowly. If the indicator is slow, "indicator is too slow" entry appears in the Journal.
  8. Fixed the value returned by the IsStopped() function. This function is used for determining the forced stopping of MQL5 programs in custom indicators. Previously, this function always returns FALSE.
  9. Fixed verification of input parameters of MQL5 programs by data type. In particular, for the parameter type uchar, one could specify a value greater than 255.
  10. Fixed an error in StringConcatenate() function.
  11. Fixed FileSize() function for files that are available for writing. Previously, the function returned the file size without considering the latest write operations.
  12. File operations have been revised. Now work with files has become faster.

Trading Signals

  1. Fixed copying of SL and TP values of trade positions in case the number of decimal places in the symbol price of the signal source differs from that of the subscriber.
  2. Fixed copying of trade positions from signal providers with incorrect settings of trade instruments on the side of the trade server.
  3. Fixed closing of positions opened by a trading signal when account Equity value falls below the value specified in the signal copying parameters. In some cases, closing of positions could lead to terminal crash.


  1. Optimized work with large source text files (tens of megabytes). Increased operation speed and reduced memory consumption.
  2. Fixed navigating through a source code using "Ctrl + -" and "Ctrl + Shift + -" shortcuts.

Fixed errors reported in crash logs.

Updated documentation.

The update will be available through the LiveUpdate system.

22 junio 2014
MetaTrader 5 iPhone build 931
  1. Añadido el soporte de la autenticación de dos factores (ОТР) para conectarse a la cuenta comercial
  2. Añadido el soporte de VoiceOver
  3. Corrección de errores.
13 junio 2014
MetaTrader 5 Android build 916
  1. Añadidas las categorías de los mensajes. Para que sea más cómodo trabajar, se muestran por separado los mensajes personales y las notificaciones de MQL5.community, los mensajes de MetaTrader 4/5 de escritorio y del bróker.
  2. Corregida una serie de errores en la representación de los gráficos.
  3. Corregidos errores de crash logs.
10 mayo 2014
MetaTrader 5 iPhone build 917
  1. Añadidos 24 objetos gráficos nuevos para realizar el análisis técnico: líneas, canales, herramientas de Gann, Fibonacci, ondas de Elliott, figuras geométricas.
  2. Añadida la posibilidad de desplazar el gráfico: pulse y mantenga sobre el mismo para pasar al modo de edición.
  3. Añadido la lengua indonesia al interfaz.
22 abril 2014
MetaTrader 5 iOS build 911
  • El diseño ha sido revisado completamente a favor del estilo "plano" iOS 7.

    Se ha lanzado la nueva versión de MetaTrader 5 iOS

  • Ha sido mejorada la ergonomía de la aplicación: para ir al menú de acciones en iPhone, toque/pase el dedo de izquierda a derecha (swipe to the right) sobre la casilla de la posición u orden abierta; en iPad sólo hay que tocar el gráfico para acceder a sus opciones. 
  • La versión mínima requerida del sistema para el trabajo del terminal es iOS 5.0.
  • Ha sido corregido el error que provocaba el funcionamiento incorrecto de algunos dispositivos con el servicio de notificaciones. 
  • Varias correcciones y pequeñas mejoras.
No olvide actualizar su MetaTrader 5 iOS.
11 abril 2014
MetaTrader 5 Build 930


  1. Another new product category has been added to MetaTrader AppStore following trading and financial magazines - Books. Now, you can purchase the works of well-known traders and analysts along with trading robots and indicators. The range of books is increasing daily.

    Books in MetaTrader Market

    Just like MetaTrader 5 applications, books can be purchased at MQL5.community Market as well as directly via MetaTrader 5 terminal. All books are accompanied by descriptions and screenshots:

    Before making a purchase, you can download a preview - the first few pages of a book. The exact number of available pages is defined by a seller.

    To buy a book, you should have an MQL5.com account and the necessary amount of funds on it. The account data should be specified at the Community tab of the terminal settings:

    Click Buy on the book's page to purchase it. Purchase confirmation dialog appears:

    To continue, agree to the rules of using the Market service and enter your MQL5.community password. After that, the specified amount of funds will be withdrawn from your account and the book will be downloaded. Buy button will be replaced by Open one.

    Book files are downloaded to My Documents\MQL5 Market\Books\. The download may be performed in two formats:

    • MQB - this protected format is used for paid books. When purchasing and downloading a book file, it is encoded so that it can be opened only on the PC it has been downloaded to. Generation of an encoded copy is called activation. Each book can be activated at least 5 times on different hardware. Book sellers can increase the number of activations at their sole discretion.
    • PDF - this format is used for free books and previews. After downloading, such file can be moved and viewed on other devices.

    The special component called MetaViewer has been added to MetaTrader 5 terminal allowing users to view book files. MetaViewer is a convenient application for viewing books and magazines in MQB and PDF formats. Keyboard arrows are used to turn over the pages: left and right arrows - for page-by-page navigation, while up and down arrows - for scrolling.


Trading terminal

  1. Fixed display of Fibonacci Fan graphical object's levels when zooming. A layout could be displaced in earlier builds.
  2. Fixed an error that in some cases prevented graphical objects from being drawn on the chart.
  3. Fixed errors and terminal crashes when working in Wine (for Linux and Mac OS), including crashes that occurred while opening the user guide.
  4. Updated translation of the interface into Arabic.


  1. Revised display of products in MetaTrader AppStore. Applications, magazines and books feature new design:

    Revised Display of Products in Market

  2. Market: Fixed resumed download of large files (primarily, magazines and books) from the Market.

MQL5 Language

  1. Changed StringSplit function operation. Previously, ";A;" string was split into NULL and "A" substrings using ';' separator. Now, it is split into "","A" and "" substrings.
  2. Fixed checking and tracking parameter and operand constancy.

Trading Signals

  1. Added additional checks for the allowed trading modes at a symbol when copying signals. If a signal arrives at a subscriber's account but only closing of positions is allowed at that symbol, this will no longer cause complete termination of signals copying and forced closing of all positions. Now, if a signal for position opening arrives at a subscriber's account, the platform perceives that as the command to synchronize subscriber's and provider's accounts. A signal for position closing is handled as usual.

Strategy Tester

  1. Added interface translations into French, Japanese and Arabic. Updated translations into German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Turkish and Chinese.


  1. Fixed highlighting and navigation through a hieroglyphic text.
  2. Fixed selecting a default trading symbol during an MQL5 application profiling. The default symbol is specified in Debug tab of MetaEditor options.
  3. Fixed display of the tab characters in search results. Previously, the tab characters were ignored and string content was displayed with no spaces.

Fixed errors reported in crash logs.

Updated documentation.

The update will be available through the LiveUpdate system.

7 marzo 2014
MetaTrader 5 build 910

Trading terminal

  1. Fixed errors and crashes when working in Wine (for Linux, Mac).
  2. Fixed display of Gann Grid graphical object's central line when zooming.

MQL5 Language

  1. Fixed an occasional error when downloading .ex5 files.
  2. Fixed operation of StringToCharArray and StringToTime functions.
Fixed errors reported in crash logs.
Updated documentation.
28 febrero 2014
MetaTrader 5 Build 900
  1. Market: Added new product category in MetaTrader AppStore — Magazines. Now, users can buy not only trading applications but also trading and financial magazines quickly and easily.

    Just like MetaTrader 5 applications, magazines can be purchased at MQL5.community Market as well as directly via MetaTrader 5 terminal. All magazines are accompanied by detailed descriptions and screenshot galleries:

    The latest magazine issues are always displayed in the showcase, while the previous ones can be found on the Archive tab.

    To buy a magazine, you should have an MQL5.com account and the necessary amount of funds on it. The account data should be specified at the Community tab of the terminal settings:

    Click Buy on the magazine's page to purchase it. Purchase confirmation dialog appears:

    To continue, agree to the rules of using the Market service and enter your MQL5.community password. After that, the specified amount of funds will be withdrawn from your account and the magazine will be downloaded. Buy button will be replaced by Open one.

    Magazine files are downloaded to My Documents\MQL5 Market\Magazines\[Magazine name]\[Issue name]. The download may be performed in two formats:

    • MQB - this protected format is used for paid magazines. When purchasing and downloading a magazine file, it is encoded so that it can be opened only on the PC it has been downloaded to. Generation of an encoded copy is called activation. Each magazine can be activated at least 5 times on different hardware. Magazine sellers can increase the number of activations at their sole discretion.

    • PDF - this format is used for free magazines. After downloading, such file can be moved and viewed on other devices.

    The special component called MetaViewer has been added to MetaTrader 5 terminal allowing users to view MQB files. This application is launched when you click Open at the downloaded magazine page. If User Account Control system is enabled on the user's PC, the user will be prompted to allow the terminal to associate MQB files with MetaViewer during the first launch. After the association, MQB files are automatically opened in MetaViewer when launched from Windows file explorer.

    If you click ÎÊ, the files are associated and the selected magazine issue is opened in MetaViewer immediately. If you click Cancel, only the magazine issue is opened.

    MetaViewer is a convenient application for viewing books and magazines in MQB and PDF formats. Keyboard arrows are used to turn over the pages: left and right arrows - for page-by-page navigation, while up and down arrows - for scrolling. MetaViewer menu and control panel contain additional commands for setting the journal's view and navigation:

    • File - commands for opening the files and exiting the program.
    • View - display settings: interface language, page look, enabling control panel and status bar, as well as page rotation.
    • Navigation - navigation commands: switching between the pages, moving to the first, last or selected page.
    • Zoom - page scale management commands: zooming in and out, fitting height, width and actual page size.
    • Help - information about the program and useful links.
  2. Terminal: Added MQL tab to EX5 file properties. The tab contains the program's icon as well as its name and description specified in the application's source code via the appropriate #property parameters.

    The tab appears only after MetaViewer is registered in the system. If a current user has sufficient rights and User Account Control system is disabled, MetaViewer is registered automatically during the terminal's first launch after the update. Otherwise, the user will see the dialog window requesting a one-time elevation of rights for MetaViewer during the first attempt to open a magazine.

  3. Terminal: Added MQL5.community fast registration dialog in case a user has no account. Now, an MQL5.community account can be created without the need to leave the terminal.

    Specify login and email address in the registration window. After clicking Register, an email for MQL5.community account activation is sent to the specified address.

    MQL5.community account allows traders to use additional powerful services:

    • MetaTrader 5 AppStore - users can buy MetaTrader 5 apps or download them for free directly from the terminal. MetaTrader 5 AppStore offers hundreds of various applications and their number is constantly increasing.
    • Signals - users can subscribe to trading signals provided by professional traders and make profit. Trading operations are automatically copied from provider's account to subscriber's one. The service also allows selling your own trading signals. A trading account can be connected to the monitoring system in a few clicks.
    • Jobs - a freelance service allowing customers to securely order the development of MetaTrader 4 and 5 applications. The orders are executed by experienced programmers. The service also allows you to make profit by developing programs ordered by customers.

  4. Terminal: Added information about margin charging rates for various order types, as well as the list of spreads that may include orders and positions for the symbol, to the trading symbol data dialog.

    Margin Rates:

    A multiplier for calculating margin requirements relative to the margin's main amount is specified for each order type. The main amount of margin is calculated depending on the specified calculation method (Forex, Futures, etc.).

    • Long positions rate
    • Short positions rate
    • Limit orders rate
    • Stop orders rate
    • Stop-Limit orders rate

    Calculation of margin requirements is described in details in the client terminal user guide.


    The margin can be charged on preferential basis in case trading positions are in spread relative to each other. The spread is defined as the presence of the oppositely directed positions at related symbols. Reduced margin requirements provide traders with more trading opportunities.

    The spread has two legs - A and B. The legs are the oppositely directed positions in a spread - buy or sell. The leg type is not connected with some definite position direction (buy or sell). It is important that trader's positions at all leg's symbols are either long or short.

    Several symbols with their own volume rates can be set for each spread leg. These rates are shown in parentheses, for example, LKOH-3.13 (1).

    Take a look at the following example:

    • leg À consists of GAZR-9.12 and GAZR-3.13 symbols having the ratios of 1 and 2 respectively;
    • leg  consists of GAZR-6.13 symbol having the ratio of 1.

    To keep positions in the spread, a trader should open positions of 1 and 2 lots for GAZR-9.12 and GAZR-3.13 respectively in one direction and a position of 1 lot for GAZR-6.13 in another.

    Margin column displays margin charging type at this spread:

    • Specific values mean charging a fixed margin for a spread in a specified volume. The first value specifies the volume of the initial margin, while the second one specifies the volume of the maintenance one.

    • Maximal - initial and maintenance margin values are calculated for each spread leg. The calculation is performed by summing up the margin requirements for all leg symbols. The margin requirements of the leg having a greater value will be used for the spread.

    • CME Inter Spread - the rates (in percentage value) for margin are specified: the first one is for the initial margin, while the second is for the maintenance one. The total margin value will be defined by summing up the margin requirements for all symbols of the spread and multiplying the total value by the specified rate.

    • CME Intra Spread - two values for margin increase are specified: the first value is for the initial margin, while the second is for the maintenance one. During the calculation, the difference between the total margin of A leg symbols and the total margin of B leg symbols is calculated (the difference in absolute magnitude is used, so that it does not matter what leg is a deductible one). According to the type of the calculated margin, the first (for the initial margin) or the second (for the maintenance one) value is added to the obtained difference.

    The specified margin is charged per spread unit - for the specified combination of positions. If any part of the position does not fit the spread, it will be charged by an additional margin according to the symbol settings. If the client's current positions have the volume the specified combination fits in several times, the charged margin is increased appropriately. For example, suppose that A and B symbols with the ratios of 1 and 2 are in spread. If a client has positions for these symbols with the volumes of 3 and 4 respectively, the total margin size is equal to the doubled value from the spread settings (two spreads: 1 lot of A and 2 lots of B, 1 lot of A and 2 lots of B) plus the margin for the single remaining A symbol lot.

    Spreads are described in details in the client terminal user guide.

  5. Terminal: Fixed the depth of market freezing when the best bid price is higher than the best ask one.
  6. Terminal: Fixed setting the fill policy type for market trade requests depending on the trade symbol's execution type and allowed filling modes.
  7. Terminal: Fixed display of incorrect SL and TP values in the position open dialog in case there is a position with placed SL and TP levels and the levels are placed "In Points". Incorrect SL and TP level values in points have previously been inserted to these fields. Beginning with the new build, the values in the above mentioned case are displayed in prices regardless of the level placing mode.
  8. Terminal: Fixed occasional incomplete display of the trading history for the current day.
  9. Terminal: Reduced memory consumption during MQL5 Code Base and MQL5 Market operation.
  10. Terminal: Fixed working with context menus when using touch screen devices powered by Microsoft Windows 8 or higher.
  11. Market: Added product activation confirmation dialog displaying the number of remaining activations.

    Each application purchased in MetaTrader AppStore is additionally protected, so that it can be launched only on the PC it has been downloaded to during the purchase. Generation of an encoded copy is called activation. Each product can be activated at least 5 times on different hardware. Sellers can increase the number of activations at their sole discretion.

    The new dialog protects users from wasting activations by informing that their number is limited.

  12. MQL5: Fixed crash when initializing primitive type arrays by a sequence.
  13. MQL5: Fixed errors when working with #ifdef/#else/#endif conditional compilation macros.
  14. MQL5: MQL5 language compiler moved to MetaEditor. The compiler will be available for download as a separate .exe file.
  15. Signals: Added information about a signal, to which an account is subscribed, to the Navigator window:

    If the account is subscribed to the signal, the appropriate icon with the signal's name is shown for it. When hovering the mouse cursor over the name, the subscription's expiration date is displayed. The context menu contains commands for viewing the signal and unsubscribing from it. The latter one is displayed only if the appropriate trading account is currently active in the terminal.

    The subscription icon makes working with signals more convenient.

  16. Signals: Added legend for equity, growth, balance and distribution graphs. Also, marks displaying funds depositing and withdrawal have been added to the equity graph. When hovering the mouse cursor over the balance operation triangle, a tooltip with the operation sum is displayed:

  17. MetaEditor: Fixed the loss of focus in the code editing window that occurred after the first compilation.
  18. MetaEditor: Fixed automatic scrolling of the compilation window to the first warning if there are no errors.
  19. MetaEditor: Fixed highlighting predefined _DEBUG and _RELEASE macros in the source code.
  20. MetaEditor: Fixed operation of snippets if the automatic entering of line indentations is disabled.
  21. Fixed errors reported in crash logs.
  22. Updated documentation.
28 diciembre 2013
MetaTrader 5 Android build 879
  1. Corregido el error de dibujado del gráfico, una parte del mismo no se representaba en ciertos teléfonos (Samsung Galaxy Note 3, Sony Xperia L, etcétera).
  2. Corregido el error de inicio después de la actualización de Android y en ciertos teléfonos, que provocaba la aparición del mensaje "Por desgracia, su dispositivo no dispone de soporte".
  3. El botón virtual del menú en forma de tres puntos ahora se representa en el teléfono LG Nexus 4.
7 diciembre 2013
MetaTrader 5 Trading Terminal build 880: Terminal Journal with Milliseconds and MQL4BUILD/MQL5BUILD Macros

Trading Terminal

  1. The time is displayed up to milliseconds in the client terminal's, MetaEditor's and MetaTester's Journal.

    The time is displayed up to milliseconds in the client terminals

  2. Improved scanning and searching for servers in demo account opening dialog - scanning speed has been increased and additional search for access points for the servers having no connection has been added.

    Improved scanning and searching for servers in demo account opening dialog

  3. Fixed and optimized client terminal, MetaEditor and MQL5 help.
  4. origin.txt file is automatically generated in the terminal data folder. This file contains the path to the installation directory that data folder corresponds to.
  5. Fixed display of the context help in a number of dialogs, windows and control elements.
  6. Fixed occasional terminal freezing during prolonged continuous operation (longer than 2-3 days).
  7. Fixed occasional loss of the list of saved client accounts.
  8. Fixed an error causing "pack bar error" messages in the Journal.
  9. Added MetaTrader 5 terminal and MQL5 language helps in Turkish


  1. Fixed and optimized MQL5 Market data storage and update.


  1. Fixed an error in overloading the function templates.
  2. Added __MQL4BUILD__ and __MQL5BUILD__ macros - MQL5 compiler versions in MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 client terminals respectively. These macros can be used for displaying information about the compiler version used for compiling EX4\EX5 file in Experts log of the client terminal:

    //| Expert initialization function                                   |
    int OnInit()
       Print(__FILE__," compiled with ",__MQL5BUILD__," build");

MetaTrader Trading Signals

  1. Fixed comparison of Forex trading symbols of EURUSD <=> EURUSD.ABC form in case there are several symbols having similar main part (EURUSD), and trading is disabled for one of them.
  2. Fixed signals copying when performing balance and credit operations on the subscriber's account. The total amount of client's funds is changed after a balance/credit operation is performed. If the percentage value of signals copying has decreased by more than 1% afterwards (the volume of copied trades is calculated considering the ratio of the subscriber's and provider's balance), the subscriber's account is forcedly synchronized with the provider's one. This is done to correct the subscriber's current positions according to the new copying percentage value.

    If the subscriber's funds have increased due to the balance or credit operation, no forced synchronization is performed.

  3. Fixed copying positions in case Fill or Kill (FOK) market order execution mode is forbidden.


  1. Fixed working with the clipboard when inserting non-Unicode text.
  2. Fixed scrolling the navigator tree when moving folders using drag'n'drop

Fixed errors reported in crash logs.
Updated documentation.

The live update is available through the LiveUpdate system.

The MetaTrader 5 Trading Terminal can be downloaded at https://download.mql5.com/cdn/web/metaquotes.ltd/mt5/mt5setup.exe?utm_source=www.metatrader5.com

15 noviembre 2013
MetaTrader 5 iPhone build 869
1. Soporte completo de iPhone 5 y todos los tipos de iPad (los smartphones inferiores a iPhone 3GS no disponen de soporte).
2. Las gráficas han sido rehechas por completo:
  • se ha acelerado significativamente el dibujado
  • añadido el desplazamiento inercial
  • aumentada la cantidad de niveles de escalado
  • modo de edición rápido (para activarlo, pulse y mantenga sobre la gráfica), posibilidad de realizar escalado, desplazar y eliminar las ventanas de los indicadores directamente desde la gráfica
  • posibilidad de cambiar el esquema de color de la gráfica
  • Añadidos los marcos temporales de meses y semanas W1 y MN1
  • Añadidas las secciones de Noticias y Correo
  • Profundidad de mercado rehecha
  • Ahora está disponible la sección «Sobre el programa», en la cual se pueden controlar las notificaciones acústicas, el modo de autobloqueo de la pantalla y la posibilidad de obtener las noticias y su idioma, en ese mismo lugar se pueden editar los certificados establecidos.
  • Añadido el acompañamiento acústico al realizar las transacciones comerciales
3. El Chat ha sido rehecho con gran calidad:
  • todos los mensajes antiguos se cargan de forma automática
  • el límite de los mensajes ha sido aumentado hasta los 1 000 símbolos
  • registro y autenticación en MQL5.com incorporados directamente desde el terminal
  • mejorado el funcionamiento de los contactos, ahora está disponible la función de autocompletar durante la búsqueda
  • todas las discusiones se dividen en Recientes y Otras
4. Corrección de errores.
5. Añadida la Versión para iPad, que contiene todas las funciones de la versión de iPhone, y además:
  • Muestra de hasta cuatro gráficas de forma simultánea, cada gráfica tiene sus propios ajustes individuales
  • Varias opciones para organizar las ventanas de los gráficos
  • Una práctica ventana del panel de herramientas con altura regulable para mostrar las órdenes, la historia del comercio, correos electrónicos, noticias y revistas
  • Paso rápido a los diálogos de cierre y modificación con solo un toque en la línea de una posición o una orden.
  • Visualización detallada de los parámetros con solo un toque en una posición u orden en las pestañas del comercio y la historia comercial
  • Búsqueda por historia comercial y registro
  • Posibilidad de comercio rápido desde la gráfica

No olvide actualizar su MetaTrader 5 iOS y poner a prueba en acción las posibilidades de su plataforma móvil.

2 noviembre 2013
MetaTrader 5 Trading Terminal build 871


  1. Fixed an issue that prevented testing of experts containing custom indicators in the form of a resource . Error affected including experts from MQL5 Market.
  2. Added support for conditional compilation # if [n] def, # else and # endif.
  3. Added macros _DEBUG and _RELEASE, when compiled *. Mq5 macro __ MQL5__, when compiled *. Mq4 __ MQL4__.


  1. Optimized with MQL5 Market when using multiple instances of the client terminal.

Strategy Tester

  1. Fixed display of tabs and test results when testing the indicator.
  2. Fixed display of signatures by using the cursor in the "crosshairs" to measure the distance between the bars in the visual test.
  3. Fixed crash tester at the completion of testing.

Fixed errors reported in crash logs.
Updated documentation.

The live update is available through the LiveUpdate system.

The MetaTrader 5 Trading Terminal can be downloaded at https://download.mql5.com/cdn/web/metaquotes.ltd/mt5/mt5setup.exe?utm_source=www.metatrader5.com

24 octubre 2013
MetaTrader 5 build 868: Unconditional Synchronization of Signal Positions and Fixing Errors

Trading Terminal

  1. Added automatic setting of the alert expiration time when placing it via the depth of market.
  2. Fixed display of the depth of market in the extended mode when showing trading symbols with a large spread.
  3. Fixed display of search results in the terminal working under Wine (Linux and Mac).

MetaTrader Trading Signals

  1. Added the option for unconditional synchronization of positions between a signal source and a subscriber's account. If enabled, synchronization of positions (including closing open positions not related to the signal) during the initial synchronization of the subscriber's and signal source's state is performed without additional confirmation.

    Added the option for unconditional synchronization of positions between a signal source and a subscriber's account

    Thisption is necessary when using signals on VPS (Virtual Private Server). It can also be used to increase the synchronization reliability when working with the already selected signal.


  1. Removed unconditional display of the symbol name in Chart graphical object.
  2. Fixed ConvertTimePriceToXY function behavior - now, ERR_CHART_WRONG_PARAMETER error code is returned in case correct calculation is impossible.
  3. Standard Library. Fixed CIndicators::TimeframesFlags method.
  4. Standard Library. Controls. Now, drop-down lists are always displayed on top of other controls.

Strategy Tester

  1. Fixed testing stop when using custom indicators with an infinite loop in OnInit entry point.


  1. Fixed errors causing a memory leak during the mass replacements of a substring in a document.
  2. Fixed an error in the custom indicator generation wizard that added OnTradeTransaction entry point.

Fixed errors reported in crash logs.
Updated documentation.

The live update is available through the LiveUpdate system.

The MetaTrader 5 Trading Terminal can be downloaded at https://download.mql5.com/cdn/web/metaquotes.ltd/mt5/mt5setup.exe?utm_source=www.metatrader5.com
