Última atualização: Added quick position closing and orders deletion by a single mouse click. Click the cross in "Profit" column of orders and positions list to close a...
Notícias: Today MetaQuotes Software Corp. has received the official confirmation of successful certification of MetaTrader 5 Online Trading Platform by the...
Última atualização: Fixed errors when making purchases in MQL5.Market. Fixed errors when working with MQL5.Market having UAC enabled.
Última atualização: Added highlighting the account status bar, if the account is in Margin Call or Stop Out states. Fixed drawing of the "Fibonacci Fan" object.
Added support for the Depth of Market. Added support for extended authorization.
Notícias: The last MetaTrader 5 iPhone update introduced many technical indicators and push notifications.
Notícias: We have long been planning to encourage the most active MQL5.com participants contributing to the Community development.
Notícias: Authorization on MQL5.com via third-party services, the new profile of the Community participants, the new «Attract Visitors» feature and the updated...
Added the ability to post screenshots of charts on MQL5.com. When saving a screenshot, just select the appropriate option and the screenshot will be...
Notícias: On July 1, 2012, MetaQuotes Software Corp. and the Dubai Gold Commodities Exchange (DGCX) sponsored by Alpari ME DMCC hold a conference "MetaTrader 5...
Última atualização: The client terminal supports sending messages concerning various events to iOS and Android powered devices using push notifications.
Notícias: From March 19, 2012 to April 5, 2012 SMX exchange and our company arranged and carried out SMX Trading Championship.
Notícias: MetaQuotes Software Corp. announces integration of its MetaTrader 5 Trading Platform with FX Grid, a global inter-institutional connectivity and...
Added global search in the client terminal and at MQL5.com. The Search in the terminal allows you to quickly find information in all sections of the...
Notícias: We are pleased to announce a new version of MetaTrader 5 iPhone. This release includes several important updates: An extended list of...
Push notifications from the desktop terminal and MQL5.community services Possibility to view received notifications Improved interface Added...
Implemented skipping of graphical objects create by MQL5 programs when deleting objects using the Backspace key.
Notícias: MQL5 Cloud Network has been successfully operating for more than half a year already.
Última atualização: Added new display mode of volumes "Amount" for forex instruments in the Depth of Market.
Notícias: "What about the next one?" That is the question everyone asks each time after yet another championship is over.