MetaTrader 5新功能


26 十二月 2011
MetaTrader 5 Trading Terminal build 567

Trading Terminal

  1. Fixed control of the deal size in the Depth of Market window.
  2. Fixed display of the name of a brokerage company in reports.
  3. Fixed saving of the last deal volume in default settings after closing a position.
  4. Fixed opening of stop level modification dialog by double-clicking on a position.
  5. Fixed display of time and address of the last connection - now they are shown only when you connect with the master password.


  1. Added a warning shown when freeing memory at an invalid pointer.

Strategy Tester

  1. MetaTester: Fixed distribution of tasks to Cloud agents.
  2. MetaTester: Fixed passing of the Profit Factor in optimization results.

Fixed errors reported on the forum and in crash logs.
Updated documentation.

The live update is available through the LiveUpdate system.

The MetaTrader 5 Trading Terminal can be downloaded at

23 十二月 2011
MetaTrader 5 Trading Terminal build 565

Trading Terminal

  1. Improved notification of canceled orders in the Exchange Execution mode.
  2. Added correct display of prices for the orders placed in the Market Execution mode.
  3. Improved operation of the client terminal under Wine.
  4. Fixed display of indicators with the DRAW_ARROW drawing style.
  5. Fixed adding of objects with the option of showing the properties dialog.
  6. During authorization, information about the time and address of the last successful connection is shown in the terminal log.
  7. Added support of forced change of the master password at next login.

  8. Forced change of the master password
  9. Fixed display of the tick chart.


  1. Added an event of mouse cursor move CHARTEVENT_MOUSE_MOVE and a chart event CHART_EVENT_MOUSE_MOVE.
  2. Added a function for saving resources into a file - ResourceSave.
  3. Fixed execution of the command of adding an indicator to a chart.
  4. Disabled prohibition to use the SendMail function in indicators.
  5. Added check of use of numeric data types in functions ArrayMin, ArrayMax, ArraySort.
  6. Fixed the GetValueByTime function for graphical objects.
  7. Added generation of the CHART_EVENT_MOUSE_MOVE event when releasing the left mouse button.
  8. Standard library - added automatic support of resizing of bars and dialog boxes in the library of controls.
  9. Standard library - added support of mouse events in the library of controls.

Strategy Tester

  1. Optimized traffic used when passing optimization results.
  2. Optimized selection of a Cloud server by an agent based on scanning results.
  3. Enhanced logging of changes in the list of Cloud servers.
  4. Fixed calculation of return for cross symbols.
  5. Fixed connection of tester agents to a Cloud server through a proxy.
  6. Fixed requesting of the trade history with the start and end dates specified.
  7. Fixed setting of shift of the left chart border in a template for visual testing.
  8. Fixed setting of prices in Market Watch before testing.

Fixed errors reported on the forum and in crash logs.
Updated documentation.

The live update is available through the LiveUpdate system.

The MetaTrader 5 Trading Terminal can be downloaded at

7 十二月 2011
MetaTrader 5 iPhone build 540
  1. Updated trade dialogs.
  2. Translated into Spanish, Italian, French, Arabic and Chinese.
  3. Fixed errors reported by users.

The MetaTrader 5 for iPhone can be downloaded at

2 十二月 2011
MetaTrader 5 Trading Terminal build 555

Trading Terminal

  1. Fixed checking of a selected symbol when opening a new order placing dialog.
  2. Fixed adding of a symbol into the selection list when subscribing to the Depth of Market when you switch to another account.
  3. Fixed and optimized scanning for available servers when opening a demo account.
  4. Optimized and accelerated initial initialization and switching between accounts.
  5. Expanded connection checking when receiving information about the amount of funds available on an MQL5 account.
  6. Fixed loss of positions of the terminal bars after start of a debugger.
  7. Fixed drawing of boundaries of an indicator's vertical scale for small window size.
  8. Terminal: Fixed forming of the list of substitution of available symbols in Market Watch.
  9. Fixed setting of order expiration time in the dialogs of pending order placing and modification.
  10. Redesigned the dialog of placing market orders in the Exchange Execution mode.
  11. Added showing of information about the public part of the client certificate for the extended authorization mode.
  12. Fixed calculation of order execution price based on the bid volume in the Depth of Market.


  1. Changed version of .ex5 files. All MQL5 programs must be recompiled.
  2. Fixed errors in operation of dynamic arrays.
  3. Fixed release of an array after a failed call of MarketBookGet.
  4. Fixed setting of the last error after a call of OrderCheck.
  5. Fixed an error that caused the removal of an Expert Advisor in case creation of the indicator used in it failed.
  6. Fixed call of the parametric constructor of the static variable of a function.
  7. Fixed optimization of inline functions.
  8. Standard Library: Added a new set of classes for creating dialogs and display panels MQL5 programs.

Strategy Tester

  1. Added use of a single history database by agents of one computer to reduce the volume of downloaded history. The common database is located in the bases directory near the agents data directories.
  2. Optimized work with the history database - reduced the number of disk accesses.
  3. Enhanced logging agent to connect through a proxy MQL5 Cloud.
  4. Optimized work with the history in the tester agent.
  5. Modified algorithm of task distribution among the servers of the MQL5 Cloud.
  6. Optimized distribution of testing tasks among the servers of the MQL5 Cloud during genetic optimization.
  7. Fixed initialization of cross symbols during repeated testing.
  8. Fixed cleanup of a testing file buffer.
  9. Optimized use of traffic by tester agents when working with MQL5 Cloud.
  10. Added information about the number of a pass during export of optimization results in XML.
  11. Extended check of the availability of funds when using the MQL5 Cloud.
  12. Fixed errors that could result in the appearance of different testing results on different agents.


  1. MetaEditor: Fixed setting of debug points.
  2. MetaEditor: Optimized work of MetaAssist.

Fixed errors reported on the forum and in crash logs.
Updated documentation.

The live update is available through the LiveUpdate system.

The MetaTrader 5 Trading Terminal can be downloaded at

11 十一月 2011
MetaTrader 5 Trading Terminal build 540
  1. Trading Terminal: Trade and price characteristics of a trading instrument are now shown in a separate Details tab of the Market Watch:

    Trade and price characteristics of a trading instrument are now shown in a separate Details

  2. Trading Terminal: Fixed downloading of the terminal and MetaEditor documentation files.
  3. Trading Terminal: Fixed setting of filtration parameters in a trading history after an account is changed.
  4. Trading Terminal: Redesigned the server selection dialog box that appears when opening a demo account.
  5. Trading Terminal: Fixed and accelerated displaying of the Depth of Market.
  6. Trading Terminal: Fixed saving of an Expert Advisor running on a chart when changing a profile.
  7. Trading Terminal: Fixed displaying of emails requiring confirmation of a client certificate for further authorization.
  8. Trading Terminal: Fixed terminal crash when a Windows session is closed with a failure.
  9. Trading Terminal: Fixed incorrect display of monetary values ​​for systems, whose languages ​​are with the left to right text direction.
  10. Trading Terminal: Changes made to improve stability of the terminal under Wine.
  11. MQL5: Fixed control of the visibility of graphical objects on different timeframes.
  12. MQL5: Fixed values of the clrAqua and clrFuchsia color constants.
  13. MQL5: Expanded validation of timeseries data requests.
  14. MQL5: Fixed changing of size of dynamic arrays.
  15. MQL5: Changed version of .ex5 files. All MQL5 programs must be recompiled.
  16. MQL5: In classes of arrays of primitive type, added linear search methods.
  17. MetaTester: Expanded control over the use of resources by Cloud tester agents (use of CPU, memory and hard disk).
  18. MetaTester: Fixed validation of dates of single test intervals.
  19. MetaTester: Fixed reset of the list of selected symbols before each test pass.
  20. MetaTester: Fixed scanning and displaying of the list of available Cloud servers.
  21. MetaTester: Added proxy support in connections to the Cloud network.
  22. MetaTester: Fixed the "no history" error in optimizations run using the Cloud network.
  23. MetaTester: In the visual tester corrected automatic adding of custom indicators that are plotted in a separate window.
  24. Fixed errors reported on the forum and in crash logs.
  25. Updated documentation.

The live update is available through the LiveUpdate system.

The MetaTrader 5 Trading Terminal can be downloaded at

21 十月 2011
MetaTrader 5 交易终端 build 527
  1. 交易终端: 在开启的订单和仓位页面,以及交易历史页面中加入了外部交易系统(交易所,ECN,等等)的订单ID或者交易ID栏位。
  2. 交易终端: 扩展和修正了 账户认证的错误消息。
  3. MQL5: 修正了声明资源文件时定义它的路径的问题。
  4. MQL5: 更新了标准库,向 CChartOboject 类增加了 Z_Order() 属性。
  5. MetaTester: 增加了一个栏位,包含单个到多个代理执行的任务数量。
  6. MetaTester: 修正了当通过 LiveUpdate 系统做更新时停止本地测试代理的问题。
  7. MetaTester: 优化了当在穷举模式下优化时向云代理发布任务的算法。
  8. MetaTester: 在测试日志中加入了本地,远程和云代理所完成任务的分布的内容。
  9. MetaTester: 修正了在有0点差柱时测试和优化历史中的问题。
  10. 修正了论坛中报告的错误和在崩溃记录中的错误。
  11. 更新了文档。

在线更新是通过LiveUpdate 系统进行的.

MetaTrader 5 交易终端可以在这里下载:

19 十月 2011
MetaTrader 5 安卓版 build 523
  1. 修正了在安卓 3.x 蜂巢系统中的交易对话框。
  2. 增加了在外部系统中显示仓位和订单ID的功能。
  3. 提高了页面分页功能。
  4. 修正了显示一段时间的历史时结束日期与当前日期不同的问题。
  5. 扩展了支持设备列表。
  6. 修正了论坛中报告的错误和在崩溃记录中的错误。

MetaTrader 5 安卓版可以在 这里下载。

13 十月 2011
MetaTrader 5 Trading Terminal build 523
  1. Trading Terminal: Fixed terminal crash when updating a news database.
  2. MetaTester: Added periodic updates of balance on the Experts tab.
  3. MetaTester: Improved algorithm of task distribution among Cloud servers.
  4. MetaEditor: Fixed receiving of the list of articles when changing the language.
  5. Fixed errors reported on the forum and in crash logs.
  6. Updated documentation.

The live update is available through the LiveUpdate system.

The MetaTrader 5 Trading Terminal can be downloaded at

12 十月 2011
MetaTrader 5 Trading Terminal build 521
  1. Trading Terminal: Fixed a dialog with the form for entering the account details.
  2. Trading Terminal: Fixed terminal crash when compressing a news database.
  3. Trading Terminal: Fixed saving of new servers when they are added in the new account dialog.
  4. MQL5: Fixed handling of parametric macro.
  5. MetaTester: Fixed crash of testing agents in some cases.
  6. MetaTester: Added update of a link in the list of agents in case authorization state or balance changes.
  7. MetaTester: Expanded logs of the testing agent.
  8. Fixed errors reported on the forum and in crash logs.
  9. Updated documentation.

The live update is available through the LiveUpdate system.

The MetaTrader 5 Trading Terminal can be downloaded at

10 十月 2011
The MetaTrader 5 Trading Platform Now on Android!

Today the official version of the mobile trading platform MetaTrader 5 Android has been released. Now you can trade on the Forex and stock markets using your smartphone or tablet PC powered by the operation system from Google.

Using this application, you can trade, view real-time quotes and access your trading history 24 hours a day.

Official version MetaTrader 5 for Android

"Of course, the release of the official version of MetaTrader 5 Android does not mean that it's development has completed," - the developer of mobile platforms, said. - "At the moment we are working hard to expand the functionality of the application. Basic options of the platform are already available, while charts and analytical tools will appear in the next versions of the mobile trading platform."

Download the MetaTrader 5 Android and enjoy this powerful tool for trading in financial markets. Wherever you are, this compact, convenient and reliable assistant will always be with you.

7 十月 2011
MetaTrader 5 Trading Terminal build 519
  1. Trading Terminal: Increased speed and reduced memory consumption when displaying trading history.
  2. Trading Terminal: Improved encryption of the client terminal trading history. Fixed display of the trading history when switching to a trading account with an incorrect password.
  3. Trading Terminal: Optimized displaying of trading history in case of high trading activity.
  4. Trading Terminal: Optimized work with large volumes of news.
  5. Trading Terminal: Fixed displaying of deals from a trading history on a chart.
  6. Trading Terminal: Fixed terminal crash when closed from an Expert Advisor.
  7. MQL5: Fixed generation of the event of changes in chart properties.
  8. MQL5: Changed the value of the TERMINAL_LANGUAGE property of the terminal. Instead of the code page of the current language interface, the name of the language is returned. To get the code page number, use the new TERMINAL_CODEPAGE property.
  9. MetaTester: Fixed crash of testing agents during synchronization of charts:

    Attention! For testing agents installed as services (i.e. used as remote agents or used for connecting to a Cloud server), you must restart the computer, on which these agents are running. This is required for successful upgrade to the new build.

    If you cannot restart the computer, we recommend that you complete the processes of testing agents using the Task Manager:

    Testing agents in task manager

    It is not required for testing agents used locally.

  10. MetaTester: Fixed adding of a test symbol in the selection list before testing.
  11. MetaTester: Fixed display and input of testing parameters of the enumeration type.
  12. MetaTester: Fixed and optimized scanning for available Cloud servers.
  13. MetaTester: Added periodic reset of accumulated test logs to disk.
  14. MetaEditor: Fixed behavior of dialogs of the trading strategy generation Wizard.
  15. Fixed errors reported on the forum and in crash logs.
  16. Updated documentation.

The live update is available through the LiveUpdate system.

The MetaTrader 5 Trading Terminal can be downloaded at

29 九月 2011
MetaTrader 5 Trading Terminal build 514
  1. Trading Terminal: Fixed calculation of distance between graphical objects.
  2. Trading Terminal: Changed the drawing style of the Button and Edit objects.
  3. Trading Terminal: Fixed normalization of open prices of orders and deals in a trading report in the HTML format.
  4. MQL5: Fixed requesting of timeseries data from custom indicators.
  5. MQL5: Added a new property of the Edit and Button graphical objects - OBJPROP_BORDER_COLOR for indicating the border color.
  6. MQL5: Fixed an error in showing the date in the __DATE__  and __DATETIME__ macros.
  7. MQL5: Fixed an error in logging the name of an EX5 library.
  8. MQL5: Added check of expiration time of pending orders in the OrderCheck function.
  9. MQL5: Updated the standard MQL5 library - BorderColor methods added in the CChartObjectEdit class.
  10. MQL5: Fixed the ObjectGetValueByTime function for horizontal lines.
  11. MetaTester: Added display of balance of an account in the list of Cloud tester agents.
  12. MetaTester: Added periodic update of testing statistics in the manager of agents.
  13. MetaTester: Optimized displaying of the testing progress with the large number of agents.
  14. MetaTester: Optimized receiving of results of single testing with millions of orders and deals.
  15. MetaTester: Fixed termination of testing in case connection is broken.
  16. MetaTester: Fixed verifications in the testing agent during synchronization with the Cloud server.
  17. MetaTester: Implemented history synchronization for the symbol added to the Market Watch during testing.
  18. MetaTester: Fixed generation of tick volumes of charts in the M1 OHLC testing mode.
  19. MetaTester: Added protection against endless loops in Cloud agents.
  20. MetaTester: Fixed checking of the freeze levels for orders and positions.
  21. MetaTester: Fixed charging of swaps with reopening in the first testing day.
  22. MetaEditor: In the list of names called by pressing Ctrl+Space, added a tooltip with a comment to a variable.

    Added a tooltip in MetaEditor

  23. Fixed errors reported on the forum and in crash logs.
  24. Updated documentation.

The live update is available through the LiveUpdate system.

The MetaTrader 5 Trading Terminal can be downloaded at

21 九月 2011
MetaTrader 5 iPhone build 507
  1. Updated trade dialogs.
  2. Translated into Spanish, Italian, French, Arabic and Chinese.
  3. Fixed errors reported by users.

The MetaTrader 5 for iPhone can be downloaded at

14 九月 2011
MetaTrader 5 Trading Terminal build 507
  1. Trading Terminal: Added automatic enabling of the Last price level display when opening a chart containing the Last price.
  2. Trading Terminal: Added the search of symbols by their name and description in the Symbols dialogue box:

    Symbols in MetaTrader 5

  3. Trading Terminal: Added new testing parameters in the terminal configuration file:
    • UseLocal - permission to use local tester agents,
    • UseRemote - use remote tester agents,
    • UseCloud - use Cloud servers.
  4. MQL5: Changed the value of the ERR_MARKET_SELECT_ERROR error code - the error of a symbol adding or deleting in Market Watch. The error that occurs due to the absence of a symbol in Market Watch is renamed to ERR_MARKET_NOT_SELECTED.
  5. MQL5: Added macroses: __FUNCSIG__ - getting the signature of the current function, __DATE__ and __DATETIME__ - getting compilation date and time.
  6. MetaTester: Tester unconditionally deletes the file cache before testing in the mathematical calculations mode.
  7. MetaTester: Fixed handling of incoming test results during optimization with the use of cloud agents.
  8. MetaTester: Actually implemented optimization pass index is displayed instead of the index determined by its incoming sequence in the optimization results list.
  9. Fixed errors reported on the forum and in crash logs.
  10. Updated documentation.

The live update is available through the LiveUpdate system.

The MetaTrader 5 Trading Terminal can be downloaded at

8 九月 2011
MetaTrader 5 Trading Terminal build 501
  1. Trading Terminal: When trying to add an already existing symbol to Market Watch, it is highlighted.
  2. Trading Terminal: Added support for Live Update of a client terminal using Cloud servers.
  3. Trading Terminal: Added priority consideration when displaying a pop-up graphical object description.
  4. Trading Terminal: Fixed error of a chart downloading during the terminal start.
  5. Trading Terminal: Fixed sequence of graphical objects deletion.
  6. Trading Terminal: Fixed drawing of an order volume in the Depth of Market window.
  7. Trading Terminal: Fixed prices rounding in the SL and TP changing dialogue.
  8. MQL5: Fixed request for time series data from custom indicators.
  9. MQL5: Fixed setting a right code of the custom indicators closing reason when closing the terminal.
  10. MQL5: Added the property that sets the priority of the graphical object during the OBJPROP_ZORDER (ENUM_OBJECT_PROPERTY_INTEGER) click event processing.
  11. MQL5: Fixed MQL5 programs execution errors during the EX5 and DLL simultaneous import.
  12. MQL5: Fixed execution errors during the return of a structure from a function.
  13. MQL5: Fixed processing of the tester_library property in the tester.
  14. MQL5: Fixed the "internal error" message during compilation.
  15. MQL5: Added ex5 file automatic compilation, in case of its absence, if it is imported in another MQL5 program.
  16. MQL5: Added warning about unused string variables.
  17. MetaTester: Added display of the minimum margin level and OnTester function execution result in a testing report.
  18. MetaTester: History quality is now evaluated independent from the synchronization state.
  19. MetaTester: Added automatic implementation of the indicators to the visual testing chart.
  20. MetaTester: Fixed the "compression" of the testing results chart.
  21. MetaTester: Fixed the return of testing tasks to the queue.
  22. MetaTester: Fixed history synchronization call when addressing to the SymbolInfoTick function.
  23. MetaTester: Fixed check of the testing agent operating schedule.
  24. MetaTester: Optimized sending of orders and deals history during the submission of testing results.
  25. Fixed errors reported on the forum and in crash logs.
  26. Updated documentation.

The live update is available through the LiveUpdate system.

The MetaTrader 5 Trading Terminal can be downloaded at

25 八月 2011
MetaTrader 5 Trading Terminal build 496
  1. Trading Terminal: Fixed display of images in the Bitmap Label depending on the state of the object.
  2. Trading Terminal: In the dialog of the Bitmap Label properties, fixed display of paths set from an MQL5 program.
  3. Trading Terminal: Fixed terminal crash when calculating the built-in ATR indicator in case there are not enough data.
  4. MetaTester: Added control of unfulfilled tasks at the end of slow optimization and returning them to the queue.
  5. MetaTester: Added checking of the availability of a selected account before testing.
  6. Fixed errors reported on the forum and in crash logs.
  7. Updated documentation.

The live update is available through the LiveUpdate system.

The MetaTrader 5 Trading Terminal can be downloaded at

24 八月 2011
MetaTrader 5 Trading Terminal build 495
  1. Trading Terminal: Fixed an error that lead to impossibility to use One Click Trading with Market Execution in case FOK (Fill Or Kill) is disabled for a symbol.
  2. Trading Terminal: Fixed an error of terminal or tester freezing when adding objects with already existing names.
  3. Trading Terminal: Fixed omission of logs in case of active logging.
  4. Trading Terminal: Adjustments made for the terminal to work correctly under Wine in Linux.
  5. MQL5: Fixed displaying of a two-dimensional array in the Watch List of the debugger.
  6. MQL5: Fixed comparison of long-variables with constants in the x64 version.
  7. MQL5: Fixed work with paths in string properties of graphical objects.
  8. MQL5: Fixed work with images for Bitmap Label.
  9. MQL5: Fixed copying in CopyTime for monthly data.
  10. MetaTester: Fixed an error that allowed placing of incorrect stop-levels of pending orders.
  11. MetaTester: Increased period for connection to a Cloud network after the local use of an agent.
  12. MetaTester: Fixed errors in the history of orders and deals in the tester.
  13. MetaTester: Fixed returning of failed tasks from Cloud agents to the queue in case of connection failure.
  14. MetaEditor: Added menu item for opening a shared data folder.
  15. MetaEditor: Added saving of the list of variables in Watch List.
  16. Fixed errors reported on the forum and in crash logs.
  17. Updated documentation.

The live update is available through the LiveUpdate system.

The MetaTrader 5 Trading Terminal can be downloaded at

23 八月 2011
MetaTrader 5 iPhone build 489
  1. Fixed error indicator calculation OSMA.
  2. Fixed errors reported on the forum and in crash logs.

The MetaTrader 5 for iPhone can be downloaded at

15 八月 2011
MetaTrader 5 iPhone build 485
  1. Added technical indicators.
    Technical indicators in MetaTrader 5 iPhone
  2. Fixed errors reported on the forum and in crash logs.

The MetaTrader 5 for iPhone can be downloaded at

12 八月 2011
MetaTrader 5 Trading Terminal build 489
  1. Trading Terminal: Fixed saving of trade and tester reports.
  2. MQL5: Fixed compiler error, that produced Access violation critical error.
  3. MQL5: Updated Standard Library - fixed method CMoneyNone::ValidationSettings().
  4. MetaTester: Fixed crash when using MQL5 Cloud Network in "Math calculations" mode.
  5. MetaTester: Fixed crash when requesting history data.
  6. MetaTester: Fixed error of rating MQL5 Cloud Network agents when distributing tasks.
  7. MetaTester: Added dialog box for entering login and password at before enabling MQL5 Cloud Network.
  8. Fixed errors reported on the forum and in crash logs.
  9. Updated documentation.

The live update is available through the LiveUpdate system.

The MetaTrader 5 Trading Terminal can be downloaded at