新闻: We have revised the rating system of MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 trading signals.
发布说明: Revised one-click trading system: When One-Click Trading mode is enabled, the trading dialog is closed right after a successful operation.
新闻: We are pleased to announce the official certification of the MetaTrader 5 trading platform by the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME).
发布说明: One click trading panel is not displayed for non-trading symbols and when an investor account is used.
发布说明: Fixed drawing One-Click Trading panel on a chart when working in Wine (for Linux, Mac).
发布说明: Added one click trading panel: To show/hide one click trading panel, use the icon in the upper left corner or a context menu command.
新闻: MetaQuotes Software Corp. has reached an agreement with BM&FBOVESPA, Brazil's leading financial exchange, and gained the right to transmit delayed...
新闻: We continue the development of, with an emphasis on social networking.
发布说明: Chart scale is now multiple of the symbol's tick size for the trading symbols having fixed tick size (futures).
发布说明: Added ability to arrange a chat conversation with any registered user. To do this, specify MetaQuotes ID in profile.
新闻: The functionality of MetaTrader 5 iPhone mobile platform has been significantly upgraded.
新闻: MetaQuotes Software Corp. announces the expansion of its offices. TradeNTrain has become the company's agent in India.
发布说明: Sped up initial downloading and repacking of price history from trading server.
新闻: In the spring time, we released the new feature on – "Attract Visitors".
新闻: Extended authorization and "Crosshair" mode were implemented in the previous build of MetaTrader 5 Android.
发布说明: Added "Data Window" and OHLC prices in addition to crosshair Added feature of changing password Improved mechanism of getting list of available...
新闻: We are happy to announce that we will take part in the largest iFXEXPO Asia B2B financial expo in Macau on January 23-24, 2013.
新闻: Over half a million of traders from all over the world currently use MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 mobile terminals in their trading activity.
Over half a million of traders from all over the world currently use MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 mobile terminals in their trading activity.
发布说明: Fixed connection to in case of extra spaces in account login.