新闻 — MetaQuotes


4 十一月 2015
MetaTrader 5 launched live on SAFEX by South African broker 28E Capital

新闻: One of the leading South African brokers 28E Capital has officially launched MetaTrader 5 in the South Africa Futures Exchange (SAFEX).

MetaTrader 5 launched live on SAFEX by South African broker 28E Capital

3 十一月 2015
FX News EDGE by Jarratt Davis Available on MetaTrader Platforms

新闻: Professional market analysis by Jarratt Davis is now featured straight in MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5.

FX News EDGE by Jarratt Davis Available on MetaTrader Platforms

2 十一月 2015
MetaTrader 4 和 MetaTrader 5 交易平台可以使用中国银联付款

MetaTrader 4和MetaTrader 5交易平台现在支持中国银联系统。该系统的客户可以在市场购买,支付虚拟主机,订购专属的自动交易以及订阅交易信号。作为交易处理值最大的支付网络之一,中国银联已经成为MetaTrader平台第六种有效的支付方式。

MetaTrader 4 和 MetaTrader 5 交易平台可以使用中国银联付款

30 十月 2015
新的MetaTrader 5 Build 1210:增强市场深度和常规改进

添加以低于市场深度市场价的价格下限价订单的功能。这允许您在市场以指定价格获得一个订单执行保证。 如果我们通过买家/卖价界限拖拽限价订单,它将变成止损订单(买入限价将被买入止损替代,而卖出限价-变为卖出止损)。按住Crtl 拖拽,可以使限价订单不被替换为止损订单。

新的MetaTrader 5 Build 1210:增强市场深度和常规改进

23 十月 2015
Pay for Virtual Hosting and Signal Subscriptions Straight from the MetaTrader 5 Platform!

新闻: Payment for virtual hosting and trading signal subscriptions can now be done directly from the MetaTrader 5 Platform.

Pay for Virtual Hosting and Signal Subscriptions Straight from the MetaTrader 5 Platform!

23 十月 2015
MetaTrader 5平台更新 Build 1200:接收报价历史和直接支付服务

在市场报价新增使用报价历史的功能。之前,操作期间报价图表只显示程序端收集的历史。现在,在交易服务器上您就可以访问整个报价历史。禁用自动滚 动,使用鼠标适时开始回滚报价图表,以常见价格图表相同的方式从交易服务器下载缺失的历史。新功能将有助于想要获得最详细价格图表的交易者。

MetaTrader 5平台更新 Build 1200:接收报价历史和直接支付服务

20 十月 2015
MetaQuotes Software Corp. Opens Its Representative Office in Japan

新闻: MetaQuotes Software Corp. announces the opening of a new representative office — MetaQuotes Japan in Tokyo.

MetaQuotes Software Corp. Opens Its Representative Office in Japan

5 十月 2015
MetaTrader 5 Launched on Borsa Istanbul (BIST)

新闻: The official ceremony marking the MetaTrader 5 integration with the Middle East's largest exchange Borsa Istanbul (BIST) is taking place today in...

MetaTrader 5 Launched on Borsa Istanbul (BIST)

28 九月 2015
Watch our new set of videos "Where to Find a Trading Robot or an Indicator?"

新闻: We have released new tutorials on the official MetaQuotes YouTube-channel. Seven new videos are now available, demonstrating where to find and how to...

Watch our new set of videos "Where to Find a Trading Robot or an Indicator?"

21 九月 2015
Japanese Version of Launched

新闻: Japan is among the top seven countries by the number of site visitors.

Japanese Version of Launched

17 九月 2015
MetaTrader 5 iPhone build 1167

提高分析对象的便利性。它们现在只出现在当前图表。在其他交易品种中显示可以在对象设置中启用。若要优化图表区域,只为您需要的时间表启用对象展示。 通过启用周期分隔符打开当前图表的高级时间表边框显示。 iOS 9 兼容性改进。

MetaTrader 5 iPhone build 1167

16 九月 2015
MetaTrader 5 iOS Build 1167: More Convenient Use of Analytical Objects

新闻: Working with analytical objects has become even more convenient in the new version of MetaTrader 5 iOS iOS for iPhone and iPad.

MetaTrader 5 iOS Build 1167: More Convenient Use of Analytical Objects

28 八月 2015
MetaTrader 5 iPhone Build 1165

改进新闻部分。根据您的兴趣选择新闻类别。添加喜爱的新闻条目到收藏夹,以便需要时快速访问。根据新闻提要搜索新闻。 在iPhone 版中现在可以从图表单击执行交易 - 把设备转成横屏并打开快速交易面板。 新增担保工具平仓选项,允许将对应资产转化为存款货币。 多种漏洞修复和改善。

MetaTrader 5 iPhone Build 1165

28 八月 2015
MetaTrader 5 iOS Build 1165: Improved News Section and One-Tap Trading

新闻: The updated MetaTrader 5 for iOS is now available on the App Store. Working with financial news has become even easier: select news categories to...

MetaTrader 5 iOS Build 1165: Improved News Section and One-Tap Trading

26 八月 2015
MetaTrader 5 Android build 1164

添加24种新的技术分析图形对象:线型图,通道,江恩和斐波纳契工具,埃利奥特波动和几何图形。 添加支持双重身份验证(一次性密码,OTP)用来连接交易账户 各种漏洞修复和改进

MetaTrader 5 Android build 1164

26 八月 2015
New MetaTrader 5 Android: 24 Analytical Objects and OTP Two-Factor Authentication

新闻: The latest MetaTrader 5 Android (build 1164) features analytical objects that can be applied both to chart and indicator windows.

New MetaTrader 5 Android: 24 Analytical Objects and OTP Two-Factor Authentication

4 八月 2015
Brazilian Broker Rico Corretora Launches MetaTrader 5 on the BM&FBovespa Exchange

新闻: The MetaTrader 5 trading platform has further expanded its presence in Brazil.

Brazilian Broker Rico Corretora Launches MetaTrader 5 on the BM&FBovespa Exchange

23 七月 2015
Alliance News Professional News Feeder Available on all MetaTrader Trading Platforms

新闻: Financial news and analytics from the British Alliance News agency have been integrated into MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5.

Alliance News Professional News Feeder Available on all MetaTrader Trading Platforms

22 七月 2015
Menaсorp Now Offers Trading on DGCX via MetaTrader 5

新闻: One of the leading brokers in the Arab world Menaсorp has officially launched MetaTrader 5 on the Dubai Gold and Commodities Exchange (DGCX).

Menaсorp Now Offers Trading on DGCX via MetaTrader 5

26 六月 2015
New MetaTrader 5 Android — Built-In Emails and Sending Logs to Technical Support in One Click

新闻: The latest version of MetaTrader 5 for Android provides new features that enable convenient communication with brokers and application developers.

New MetaTrader 5 Android - Built-In Emails and Sending Logs to Technical Support in One Click
