Eight Languages for MQL5 Reference: Now Available in Portuguese

ニュース: We have recently announced that MQL5 Reference became available in Italian. With seven other languages already available, Portuguese has become the

30 8月 2013

We have recently announced that MQL5 Reference became available in Italian. With seven other languages already available, Portuguese has become the eighth language in which the information in MQL5 Reference is provided.  

Eight Languages for MQL5 Reference: Now Available in Portuguese

The MetaTrader 5 trading platform is used by traders all over the world and we are committed to making it as convenient as possible for them to work with. Seeing that it is easier and much more convenient to work with a program translated into your native language, the translation of MQL5 Reference into various languages has become one of our top-priority tasks.

Portuguese is the seventh most spoken language in the world, with around 200 million native speakers. And we are glad that the information that is necessary for developers of trading robots is now available in this language.

You can download MQL5 Reference right from MetaTrader 5 in the Documentation section or at www.metatrader5.com official website.

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