MetaTrader 5 Trading Platform Certified by Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME)

ニュース: We are pleased to announce the official certification of the MetaTrader 5 trading platform by the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME)

2 4月 2013

We are pleased to announce the official certification of the MetaTrader 5 trading platform by the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME). Due to this, CME brokers now have the opportunity to use MetaTrader 5 when dealing with their customers at CME.

The certification awarded officially denotes that MetaTrader 5 meets all the technical requirements set by CME in relation to futures trading. The trading platform connects to the exchange via a specially developed gateway that ensures correct handling of market data, as well as trading operations and generates reports as required by CME.

MetaTrader 5 Trading Platform Certified by Chicago Mercantile Exchange

Apart from CME, the trading platform has already been certified by a number of various world exchanges. However, the platform has evolved beyond exchange certifications. During the first two months of this year, two brokers at Moscow Exchange have already launched MetaTrader 5 for Live trading. More brokers are preparing to offer Live trading very soon on the exchange through MetaTrader 5.

Stock exchange traders' response to the MetaTrader 5 trading platform that previously associated the platform only with Forex market, appeared to be very positive. The platform major advantages as per trader feedback so far include high performance, a wide range of analytical functionality and the ability to use advanced solutions in the field of mobile and automated trading.

"MetaTrader 5 has appeared to be a very good choice for us, - comments Alexander Dubrov, Head of Internet Trading in Otkritie Financial Corporation. The back office solution is the best we have seen and the interface is very user-friendly. Judging by the first positive feedback from traders, the trading platform has a promising future."

Having completed the CME certification, MetaQuotes Software Corp. now intends to focus on brokerage companies that are members of CME. "Realizing that the launch of a new platform can be quite challenging for a broker, we proactively offer our assistance and support to stock market participants, - says Gaies Chreis, COO of MetaQuotes Software Corp. It is certainly a complex process that requires time but based on the traders' feedback so far, we stand a good chance."

In addition, the company keeps working on the integration of MetaTrader 5 with other world exchanges. In the next two months, we are planning to complete the certification for TURKDEX and Warsaw Stock Exchange.

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