New MQL5 Wizard: A Fully Functional Robot for Every Trader!

ニュース: We are pleased to announce the release of a new version of the MQL5 Wizard. This version contains an important function: now trading robots can be

26 4月 2011

We are pleased to announce the release of a new version of the MQL5 Wizard. This version contains an important function: now trading robots can be created based on different combinations of symbols. This innovation allows using sophisticatedanalysis and getting more accurate signals. Ultimately this will increase the number and variety of automated trading programs created using the Wizard. Currently the MQL5 Wizard includes about 20 trading signals that can be combined to produce a variety of different algorithms.

With the release of the Wizard the distance between a trader and an MQL5 Programmer has been reduced to a minimum. These new features open up new horizons to ordinary traders. All the exciting technologies that used to be the prerogative of experienced EA developers, are now available to the large army of traders. All that you need for creating your own robot is the MetaTrader 5 Client Terminal and a few minutes. In just a few clicks you can create a trading robot based on any elaborate strategy.

New MQL5 Wizard

This is a truly revolutionary step in the development of automated trading. Never before has this technology gone beyond the scope of MQL-developers. Now the rich functionality of the MQL5 environment is available to any trader. Install the MetaTrader 5 Client Terminal and start writing your own Expert Advisors. And it does not matter whether you have programming skills or not.

"We have decided to make automated trading available to a wide range of traders , - says Gaies Chreis, COO of MetaQuotes Software Corp. - We in MetaQuotes have done a lot to catalyze the development of automated trading. But the most important step is just beginning – automated trading goes beyond the community of MQL-developers and is becoming finally available to the masses!"

The MQL5 Wizard is absolutely free of charge. It is delivered as part of the MetaTrader 5 Client Terminal.
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