Trading Terminal
Added ability to set Stop Loss and Take Profit levels in market order placing dialog for symbols having Market and Exchange execution types. If the values of the levels are specified in points, the final value of placed Stop Loss and Take Profit prices is calculated based on the order's market price at the moment the request was placed in the client terminal.

Added display of trading levels' deviation from the market's, position's or order's price in points and client deposit currency when dragging trade levels of orders and stops.

Added display of trading levels' deviation from the market's, position's or order's price in points and client deposit currency into trade levels' tooltips.

Added "Enable dragging of trade levels with 'Alt' key" option - when enabled, dragging of trade levels is performed only in case Alt key is pressed.

Added currency display in the client account's status bar.

- Modified drawing Fibonacci Arc object - the arcs are drawn "to the past" only till the graphical object's midpoint level to facilitate visualization.
- Added MQL5 application publication date column at Code Base tab.
- Fixed display of the empty Depth of Market in Extended mode.
- Fixed errors in trade commands of the Depth of Market's context menu.
- Now, graphical objects created from MQL5 applications cannot be restored after deletion using Undo command (Ctrl+Z).
- Fixed highlighting the deals performed by SL\TP at the trading history tab.
- Fixed assignment of "hot keys" for MQL5 applications in the context menu of Navigator window.
- Fixed behavior of signals at Alerts tab - conditions related to prices are checked at the moment the price changes instead of periodical checks performed without considering prices.
- Fixed restoring SL\TP values in points in the trade requests placing dialog after the failure of a trade request.
- Fixed errors of results normalization in the terminal's and tester's trading reports.
- Fixed display of custom indicators with DRAW_COLOR_HISTOGRAM2 style.
- Fixed display of quick trade panel when changing the chart's color scheme.
- Fixed default generation of trailing stop level sets.
- Fixed occasional incorrect activation of alerts.
MetaTrader Trading Signals
Revised display of signal list:
- Added signal price column and paid/free signals filter.
- Added signal type column - Demo, Contest or Real.
- Removed brokerage company and trading server names.

- Added command for registering a trading signal bound to the allocated account on MQL5 web site to the trading account's context menu of the Navigator window.

- Revised the dialog for unsubscribing from a signal in order to reduce the risk of the accidental unsubscribing from paid signals. Now, users should additionally agree to unsubscribing terms before performing the action.
- Now, CHARTEVENT_CHART_CHANGE event is generated when the chart's vertical scale is changed.
- Fixed check of price and stop level validity when placing and modifying pending orders - now, TRADE_RETCODE_INVALID_PRICE response code is returned in case of the order's invalid price instead of TRADE_RETCODE_INVALID_STOPS.
- Fixed launch of Expert Advisors when the terminal is launched from the command line and Symbol parameter is absent in the parameters list - in this case, an Expert Advisor is launched at the first chart of the current profile.
- Fixed compilation of an application having a large number of resource files (more than 256).
- Standard Library. Added diagram generation mode - "with accumulation" - CChartCanvas::Accumulative() property.
- Standard Library. Added control of the allowed order and order expiration types before placing trading orders in CTrade class.
MQL5 Market
- Added the button for testing paid Expert Advisors and indicators directly from Market tab. Test button appears after downloading Expert Advisors' demo versions and indicators. When pressing the button, Strategy Tester tab with the appropriate Expert Advisor or indicator appears.

Strategy Tester
- Fixed an error in caching trading history that could sometimes lead to receiving incorrect deal properties.
- In the visual testing mode, fixed indicator chart display in a separate subwindow in case this indicator has been generated based on another one.
- Added permission for placing SL and TP from MQL5 applications in Exchange and Market Execution modes during testing and optimization.
- Fixed an error during re-optimization in All symbols optimization mode.
- Fixed handling expiration of pending orders with Specified day mode.
- All properties (ChartGetDouble, ChartGetInteger functions) of the main chart are now displayed during the visual testing, except Window Handle value.
- Presence of OnTester access point is checked when launching optimization according to Custom max criterion. In case the point is absent, optimization is not launched and the appropriate entry appears in the journal.
Added ability to change window size in the debugger.

Added edit commands:

- Added prohibition against adding files larger than 64 megabytes to MQL5.Storage.
Fixed errors reported in crash logs.
Updated documentation.
The live update is available through the LiveUpdate system.
The MetaTrader 5 Trading Terminal can be downloaded at
See the previous news, please: