MetaTrader 5 Client Terminal build 275
Terminal: Fixed drawing of Bitmap Label. Terminal: Optimized history pumping and construction
- Terminal: Fixed drawing of Bitmap Label.
- Terminal:
Optimized history pumping and construction.
- MetaTester: Added pumping of the entire available history of a
tested symbol before the testing start.
- MetaTester: Added
pumping of the entire available history of a tested symbol (including
symbols required for calculations on cross rates) during the testing
process, if there is not enough history required for testing.
- MetaTester: Fixed and optimized synchronization of history
between the client terminal and testing agents.
- MetaTester: Added display of testing and optimization
completion percent for agents on the "Agents" tab of the client
- MQL5: Fixed check of enumerations in switch\case.
- MQL5:
Fixed looping in case of disagreement between versions of the client
terminal and compiler.
- MQL5: Fixed values of enumerations
- MQL5: Fixed returned error code when
ChartScreenShot method call fails.
- MQL5: Fixed errors reported
on forum and in crash logs.
See the previous news, please: