MQL5: Fixed request of the time value of points for plotting graphical objects.
MQL5: Fixed calling the destructor for a local object. MQL5: Fixed releasing a dynamic array with the size 0.
Terminal: Fixed recovery after crashing inside the dll imported to MQL5. MQL5: Added the new 'export' modifier for functions int Function() export { }...
Terminal: Fixed plotting Fibonacci Retracement. Terminal: Fixed formatting errors in the list of global variables.
Terminal: Fixed re-drawing the navigator during the initial compilation of samples.
MetaEditor 5: Fixed Undo\Redo operation. MetaEditor 5: Added warning about failed compilation completion.
MetaEditor 5: Fixed highlighting string literals. MetaEditor 5: Fixed autocomplete for the methods implemented inside the class declaration.
Added width and height properties of the Bitmap and Label graphical objects in MQL5. Added the order history sorting by close time and status.
Fixed resuming history data download. Fixed name autocomplete in MetaEditor 5. Fixed the price input field behavior.
Today we are pleased to announce the public testing of the MetaTrader 5 client terminal. It is open to anyone who wishes to test the new terminal.
September 9, 2009 marks a major milestone in our effort to make the MetaTrader 5 trading platform available to our clients.
Dear clients, Organization and conduction of the Automated Trading Championship is a very complicated and cost-consuming project.
n 2006, we have developed our first corporate management system (Groupware) for the needs of the company. Initially, the application was not for sale. It enabled us to establish effective interaction within the company and solve the issues caused by its rapid growth. Over time, we decided that such issues are typical of all companies, and groupware systems can be useful to them. Thus, the development of TeamWox commercial system started. Currently, it incorporates all our achievements and experience in the development and use of groupware systems. TeamWox is a simple, convenient and functional tool for managing a modern company.
In 2006, rich functionality of MQL4 environment enabled the company to arrange the first annual Automated Trading Championship.
After two years of development, the most popular MetaTrader 4 trading platform was released becoming the de facto standard in Forex trading and providing millions of traders with a reliable working tool. Traditionally, the product was developed from scratch and featured a number of fundamental differences.
The first mobile terminals for Forex trading (MetaTrader 3 CE and MetaTrader for Palm) were released in 2003.
MetaTrader Trading Platform product was also developed from scratch and featured improved efficiency and functionality once again making it more efficient than its predecessor. The list of supported markets was expanded by the Futures, while the client terminal received the new language of trading strategies — MQL II.
Release of the MetaQuotes trading platform. The new platform differed from its predecessor in its higher functionality.
MetaQuotes Software Corp. is established. The FX Charts trading application is released.