In recent months, several large companies in Turkey announced the launch of the new product for their traders, including the Istanbul broker Info Yatirim.
The British developer Or-be announced the integration of their core product CRM Broker Modules with the multi-asset HFT MetaTrader 5 platform.
We have released a new version of the MetaTrader 5 mobile web application for trading Forex and world exchanges.
Recently, a number of notable market players have announced the launch of the multi-asset platform with support for hedging: IFCMarkets, ModalMais, Caveo Brokerage and Perfekt Capital Limited
The new MetaTrader 5 for iOS build 1605 provides the possibility to easily open preliminary brokerage accounts.
A month ago we released our economic calendar for fundamental market analysis. Now we have prepared a new widget, that can be used to embed the economic calendar on a website or blog.
The new MetaTrader 5 for iOS build 1605 provides the possibility to easily open preliminary brokerage accounts.
The MetaTrader 4/5 platforms and all their components will no longer support Windows XP/Windows 2003/Windows Vista after 01 October 2017 Older versions of MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 will continue
The AMTS Solutions technology provider just released the AMTS MetaTrader 5 Gateway enabling the integration of the multi-asset trading platform with leading providers of global liquidity.
The new version of the MetaTrader 5 mobile web terminal features the full set of indicators for technical analysis.
The Cyprus-based developer Dynamic Works has announced the integration of the MetaTrader 5 trading platform with the Syntellicore CRM system.
PrimeXM has released the MetaTrader 5 integration gateway to their XCore system.
The spreading migration to MetaTrader 5 continues: after the launch of Gold-i MetaTrader 5 Gateway, the famous UK-headquartered integrator Gold-i announced the release of Gold-i MAM Pro for MT5.
Following the surge of interest in MetaTrader 5 among brokers, the UpTrader integrator has launched a portfolio of ready-made solutions for companies offering MT5.
The Dubai Gold and Commodities Exchange (DGCX) recently launched a new financial product — Shanghai Gold Futures (DSGC).
A new service has been launched on — the economic calendar tool is intended to provide useful information about macroeconomic events.
MetaQuotes Software will showcase its latest developments at the annual iFX EXPO International 2017 Expo to be held on May 23-25 in Palais de Sports (Limassol, Cyprus).
After the successful release of the MetaTrader 5 MAMM solution, the Plugit Apps integrator company decided to extend their portfolio of products for brokers already using the new-generation platform.
AMP Futures has officially announced the launch of the MetaTrader 5 platform for trading futures.
We have opened a representative office in Bulgaria. Metapenta Software Ltd will offer its services to regional brokers.