MQL5 Cloud Network launched

Today, MetaQuotes Software Corp. has launched a new service MQL5 Cloud Network

14 October 2011

Today, MetaQuotes Software Corp. has launched a new service MQL5 Cloud Network. This is a cloud computing network, which connects computers of many users around the world and distributes resources among them. This network will be useful for those who need additional power for their tasks, and for those who can provide such power for a fee.

MQL5 Cloud Network launched

"The MQL5 Cloud Network allows traders to quickly optimize their automated trading," - said Gaies Chreis, COO of MetaQuotes Software Corp. "Owners of free resources that are involved in the new service get a new source of income. Thus, the MQL5 Cloud Network builds bridges between those who need productive capacities and the owners of spare resources."

The launch of the MQL5 Cloud Network is a logical step in the strategic program aimed at accelerating optimization. First, remote testing agents were added in the terminal, through which multi-threaded testing became possible. This allowed traders to greatly increase the speed of Expert Advisor optimization. With the launch of the MQL5 Cloud Network, they can finally forget about long hours and days spent waiting for the completion of testing. And most importantly - the processing power of the network is available not only to traders, but also to anyone who needs additional power. For example, for research involving complex calculations.

To start working in the MQL5 Cloud Network, you only need to download and install the MetaTrader 5 Strategy Tester Agent. Optimization of complex trading robots requiring a lot of computation is no longer a problem!

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