2 November 2015
2 November 2015
The MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 trading platforms now support China UnionPay system. Clients of this system can make purchases in the Market,
pay for virtual hosting, order exclusive trading robots and subscribe
to trading signals. Being one of the largest payment networks by value
of transactions processed, China UnionPay has become the sixth payment
method available in the MetaTrader platforms.
The payment process for services via UnionPay is really simple.
Select a necessary service directly in MetaTrader 4 or MetaTrader 5 and
select UnionPay from the list of the available payment methods. The
price will be automatically converted into yuans at the current rate.
Next, you will be provided with the list of 20 Chinese banks included in
the payment system. Select your bank and convenient confirmation