MetaTrader 5 Client Terminal build 291

发布说明: Terminal: Fixed comment deletion error that when changing the template. Terminal: Fixed update of the navigator during re-compilation of Expert

2 七月 2010

  1. Terminal: Fixed comment deletion error that when changing the template.
  2. Terminal: Fixed update of the navigator during re-compilation of Expert Advisors.
  3. Terminal: Fixed call of the context menu in the navigator window.
  4. Terminal: Revised trade history reports in formats HTML and OpenXML.
  5. Terminal: Fixed the calculation error on the Exposure tab.
  6. MQL5: Fixed errors reported on forum and in crash logs.
  7. MetaTester: Fixed receiving of properties DEAL_POSITION_ID and ORDER_POSITION_ID.
  8. MetaTester: Fixed position closing at the end of testing.
  9. MetaEditor: Added showing of the number of new articles on tabs Articles and Codebase.