MetaTrader 5新功能


2 八月 2017
MetaTrader 5 Android build 1642:简化真实账户申请流程

MetaTrader 5 Android版,现在能够轻松创建初始真实交易账户。从菜单选择“开立真实账户”并在服务器列表中找到您的交易商。您只需附加两份文件,包括您的身份证明文件和银行账户账单。然后您的请求将被转发至交易商,同时开立账户时您可能会被要求提供其他信息。

8 四月 2017
MetaTrader 5 Android build 1576:以持仓的形式显示交易历史

MetaTrader 5 Android的交易历史现在能够以持仓的形式显示。在此之前,历史标签仅仅包含订单和交易信息,然而现在,可以根据持仓信息来分析交易。持仓相关的全部交易数据都集中显示在一条记录,显示如下:

  • 持仓和平仓时间(取决于第一笔交易和最后一笔交易)
  • 持仓交易量(如果部分平仓,记录会包括已平仓交易量和初始交易量)
  • 加权平均持仓开盘价和收盘价
  • 与持仓相关的全部金融交易结果

18 一月 2017
MetaTrader 5 Android build 1506:交易筛选和排序
  • 交易和历史标签现在提供排序的功能,可以帮助您按照交易品种(金融工具),订单和持仓/平仓时间对全部交易进行排序。除了排序功能以外,历史标签还可以根据不同的交易品种筛选交易。

  • 同时优化了多窗口模式下的图表工作。经过改进的菜单不但可以打开新窗口,删除旧窗口,还可以将其重新排列并选择想要的布局(垂直布局,水平布局或拼图布局)。

26 九月 2016
MetaTrader 5 Android build 1372
  • 应用程序支持多窗口模式,允许交易者同时监控多个交易品种的价格变化。
  • 添加改变指标子窗口高度的功能。
  • 现在,移动平台具备交易品种快速选择按 键以及独立的图表设置菜单。

  • 我们还增加了编辑指标水平的功能以及保加利亚语的翻译界面。
5 八月 2016
MetaTrader 5 Android build 1338
  •  内置 的新聊天。
  •  从桌面平台转移SSL证书的新选项。
  •  波斯语和荷兰语的新翻译界面。
31 三月 2016
MetaTrader 5 Android build 1262
  1. 交易平台现在还支持第二种持仓账户系统 — 锁仓系统。新系统允许创建相同金融工具的多个持仓,包括反向持仓。现在,该平台既通过净额系统提供股票交易和还通过两种可用系统其中之一提供外汇交易。

    新持仓账户系统类似于MetaTrader 4中的系统,并结合了第五代平台的所有优势 — 使用多个交易 (包括部分填充)执行订单,止损限价订单,和更多订单模式。


  2. 另外,新版本还包括小漏洞的修复和改进。
12 二月 2016
MetaTrader 5 Android build 1224
  • 平板电脑版本添加一个新窗口显示有关交易操作的详细信息。点击一个订单或交易,查看其最近一秒的打开和关闭时间,评论和交易商手续费。
  • 改进新闻部分。根据您的兴趣选择新闻类别。添加喜爱的新闻条目到收藏夹,以便需要时快速访问。
  • 添加周期分隔符,在图表上显示高级时间表边框。
  • 在图表上添加显示买价线。
  • 新的界面语言:韩语和越南语。
  • 在图表上增加的最大数量的对象。
  • 多种漏洞修复和改善。
19 十一月 2015
MetaTrader 5 Android Build 1172
  1. 改进交易品种图表缩放:增加缩放步数,强化显示流畅度。

    MetaTrader 5 Android Build 1172:便利的图表缩放和债券属性的应计利息

  2. 无论以任何方式关闭应用程序后,市场报价中交易品种及其序列设置和图表设置的全部变化(比例,配色方案,对象和指标列表) 都会被保存。
  3. 添加面值和债券属性的应计利息。
26 八月 2015
MetaTrader 5 Android build 1164
  1. 添加24种新的技术分析图形对象:线型图,通道,江恩和斐波纳契工具,埃利奥特波动和几何图形。

    新版 MetaTrader 5 Android:24 种分析对象和 OTP 双重认证

  2. 添加支持双重身份验证(一次性密码,OTP)用来连接交易账户
  3. 各种漏洞修复和改进
24 六月 2015
MetaTrader 5 Android build 1130
  1. 添加用于联系交易商支持团队的内部邮件系统
  2. 添加发送日志到应用程序开发者支持团队的功能
  3. 各种漏洞修复和改进


26 十一月 2014
MetaTrader 5 Android build 990
Update for Android 4.0 and later. Support for the older Android versions application is terminated, but it is still available for download.
  1. Changed the application design to be consistent with the Google Style Guide.
  2. Added Depth of Market.
  3. Added News.
  4. Added W1 and MN timeframes.
  5. Added Journal to display information about all events and trade operations.
  6. Added Greek and Portuguese translations, updated Czech translation.
  7. Bug fixes.
13 六月 2014
MetaTrader 5 Android build 916
  1. Added message categories. Personal messages and notifications, desktop MetaTrader 4/5 messages, as well as broker messages are now displayed separately for more convenience.
  2. Fixed a few errors in chart display.
  3. Fixed errors reported in crash logs.
28 十二月 2013
MetaTrader 5 Android build 879
  1. Fixed an error in chart rendering that prevented some parts of a chart from being displayed on some devices (Samsung Galaxy Note 3, Sony Xperia L, etc.).
  2. Fixed an error in launching the application that occurred after the Android update, as well as on some new phones leading to "Unfortunately your device is not supported" message.
  3. The virtual menu button in the form of three dots is now displayed on LG Nexus 4.
10 十二月 2012
MetaTrader 5 Android build 725
  1. Added "Data Window" and OHLC prices in addition to crosshair
  2. Added feature of changing password
  3. Improved mechanism of getting list of available servers
  4. Fixed errors reported by users.

Full text of news - Updated MetaTrader 5 Android Features Data Window and OHLC Prices.

The MetaTrader 5 for Android can be downloaded at

29 十月 2012
MetaTrader 5 Android build 709
  1. Added support for push notifications
  2. Fixed the trading dialog error that did not allow to trade using Android 2.x powered tablets
  3. Fixed minor errors

Full text of news - MetaTrader 5 for Android Provided with Extended Authorization, "Crosshair" Mode and the Ruler.

The MetaTrader 5 for Android can be downloaded at

25 九月 2012
MetaTrader 5 Android build 698
  1. Added support for push notifications
  2. Fixed the trading dialog error that did not allow to trade using Android 2.x powered tablets
  3. Fixed minor errors

Full text of news - MetaTrader 5 Android enhanced - now with Push notification support!

The MetaTrader 5 for Android can be downloaded at

18 九月 2012
MetaTrader 5 Android build 697
  1. Added 30 indicators: Moving Average, Bollinger Bands, Average Directional Movement Index, Envelopes, Ichimoku Kinko Hyo, Standard Deviation, Average True Range, Bears Power, Bulls Power, Commodity Channel Index, DeMarker, Force Index, Momentum, Moving Average of Oscillator, Relative Strength Index, Relative Vigor Index, Williams' Percent Range, Accumulation/Distribution, Money Flow Index, On Balance Volume, Volumes, Accelerator Oscillator, Awesome Oscillator, Gator Oscillator, Alligator, Market Facilitation Index, Parabolic SAR, Fractals, MACD, Stochastic Oscillator.
  2. Added support for small and large-pixel screens.
  3. Improved operational stability and user interface.

Full text of news - The latest version of MetaTrader 5 for Android now has the full set of technical indicators!

The MetaTrader 5 for Android can be downloaded at

14 二月 2012
MetaTrader 5 Android Build 586
  1. Added real-time display of price charts with the ability to navigate and zoom.
  2. Redesigned and enhanced the application interface.
  3. Added the interface optimized for use on tablet PCs.
  4. Fixed errors reported by users.
19 十月 2011
MetaTrader 5 安卓版 build 523
  1. 修正了在安卓 3.x 蜂巢系统中的交易对话框。
  2. 增加了在外部系统中显示仓位和订单ID的功能。
  3. 提高了页面分页功能。
  4. 修正了显示一段时间的历史时结束日期与当前日期不同的问题。
  5. 扩展了支持设备列表。
  6. 修正了论坛中报告的错误和在崩溃记录中的错误。

MetaTrader 5 安卓版可以在 这里下载。

10 十月 2011
The MetaTrader 5 Trading Platform Now on Android!

Today the official version of the mobile trading platform MetaTrader 5 Android has been released. Now you can trade on the Forex and stock markets using your smartphone or tablet PC powered by the operation system from Google.

Using this application, you can trade, view real-time quotes and access your trading history 24 hours a day.

Official version MetaTrader 5 for Android

"Of course, the release of the official version of MetaTrader 5 Android does not mean that it's development has completed," - the developer of mobile platforms, said. - "At the moment we are working hard to expand the functionality of the application. Basic options of the platform are already available, while charts and analytical tools will appear in the next versions of the mobile trading platform."

Download the MetaTrader 5 Android and enjoy this powerful tool for trading in financial markets. Wherever you are, this compact, convenient and reliable assistant will always be with you.
