9 八月 2013
9 八月 2013
MQL5.com forum now features automatic translation of any messages. You can translate any forum message, regardless of its source language, into one of 12 languages: Arabic, Indonesian, Thai, Spanish, Italian, Vietnamese, German, Korean, Chinese, French, Portuguese and Japanese. Thus, you can translate forum messages from any language.
Write in your mother tongue and communicate with MQL5.com participants in the way you like. Now, everyone will be able to understand you! Translate any Forum discussions in two clicks and read them in your native language. So, you will also be able to understand anyone!
The editor of forum messages has also obtained some new features.
After you have prepared your message in any language, you can translate
it into one of the three interface languages (English, Russian or
Chinese) right in the editor. To do that, click Translate button on the editor's panel.
There are no linguistic barriers on MQL5.com forum any more. Now, you are able to find common language with all community members!